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Explorer Towing WOES


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December 31, 2007
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Hello, I'm new to the forum and I'm about to purchase a 97 explorer limited. But one of the reasons I'm going to get it, is to tow a 2001 Miata to my next destination. Apparently, U-Haul does not rent tailors if it's towed with a pre-'11 Explorer.

Is there another company that rents tailors?

Thank You!!!

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Everyone except u-haul lol

I have heard they would rent to a mounty though lol.. which is ironic because it has the same engine..

Its not the engine. Its the whole roll over thing because of under inflated over loaded tires.

Some small ma and pa shops will rent uhauls if they are independently run. I have used them in the past with my 01 sport.

I had u haul put a hitch on my ride then afterwards they tell me in that they can't rent me a trailer(which I already knew) so i said WHAT??-take it back off ,you should have told me.
Long story short I got 50 bucks off on the deal..lol.

I tow my 2 place enclosed sled trailer with it no problems at all.

I had u haul put a hitch on my ride then afterwards they tell me in that they can't rent me a trailer(which I already knew) so i said WHAT??-take it back off ,you should have told me.
Long story short I got 50 bucks off on the deal..lol.

I tow my 2 place enclosed sled trailer with it no problems at all.

:D genius. If I rip another hitch off I'ma copy your idea. Thanks :)

Keep in mind an explorer is listed under 4k curb weight. mountaineer is listed above 4k curb weight. In california that is the break in the law for towing.

My 2000 Explorer 4-door Limited is listed at 5200 lbs. Yours a 2-door Sport?

V8 Eddie Bauer awd is listed at 4166 via edmunds. Most explorers are listed under 4 because they are v6 2wd. All mountys below 99 or 00 are v8 so a 97 will be the v8 and mountys are heavier. My neighbors expedition weighed 4800 at the dump. If you have a 5200 lb exploder, I feel sorry for that motor.

I have a 97 AWD V8 with stock running gear and factory towing package. Cant recall what the owners manual states as towing capacity but I can tell you this:

I have trailered two SUV's (Explorer and Pathfinder) on 16' tandem axle auto haulers and a 2300 lb boat from Oregon to Anchorage (AlCan) VIA Dawson Creek. That's three Continental Divide crossings/trip. Each auto trailer scaled out at 7200 lbs.

The 5.0 worked hard that's true, but it never let me down. I would NEVER attempt the trip without a brake controller and brakes on both axles of the trailer. I did not use an EZ lift hitch, but was certain the trailer was properly loaded and tongue weight under 600 lbs.

The truck has 180k on it and it still runs like a top and losses/burns no oil.

BE CERTAIN the air suspension is in good working order or go after-market shocks. I run Toyo Open Country 235/75/R15 LT (6 ply) tires and keep them at 50 lbs.

One thing you can count on however is the factory tubular exhaust manifold(s) will crack from the heat. I've replaced mine twice now on the passenger side.

Good luck!


I never tell uhauk what I'm towing or what I'm towing with and I've towed all over the country with many different vehicles if need be lie and say you're picking up the trailer w the explorer to bring it to a pick up truck
