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Floor mats/liners/cargo mats

Thanks for the responses. Trying to decide between this one and a canvas cover.

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Thanks for the responses. Trying to decide between this one and a canvas cover.
The advantage of the Ford, Husky and WeatherTech mats is that they all waterproof and have a substantial lip around the entire mat in case of any spills that may occur. As you can see from my picture in a previous post in this thread, mine get a lot of use. I take many trips to the yard waste recycling facility and to get at the small bits and pieces left over I simply lift up the whole mat and shake it out. It is also easily washable. My four legged friend also rides back there on short trips.


Floor mat/liner suggestions ?

I like the look of the all weather mats but want something that will cover the carpet between the 2nd row bucket seats. The kids will be using this as their main means to get into the 3rd row. Looks like the only choice I have for this type of coverage is Husky 3rd row mat that will cover the space between the seats. Any other suggestions ? Thanks Pete

2013 Explorer Limited (waiting for delivery) !!!!!

Weathertech Digital fit liners.

I just ordered a complete set of Huskyliners for mine. Streetsideauto.com had a good price and has some coupon codes available on their main page.
I have Huskyliners in 3 vehicles and this will be 4. I had Weathertech digital fit in my last and they were good too. Boiled down to price for me. The carpets all look like new in all but the '84 Bronco II, but the carpet was shot when I got it.

Weathertech digital fit! perfect fit.

I have the weathertech's in my 12 SHO and the huskyliners in my Sport with second row buckets and the huskyliners cover better at the entrance/exit. Both are good but I like the huskys better.


Go with the Husky. Just put mine in my 13 Sport, I have the second row buckets and everything is covered now. Replaced the factory all weather for the same reason of kids climbing into the second row. I have Weathertech in my12 F150, junk compared to the Husky. I had Husky until then but decided to try the Weathertech, not as good a fit as Husky. I had to cut out the Weather tech to expose all of the floor vents in the F150.

I like the look of the all weather mats but want something that will cover the carpet between the 2nd row bucket seats. The kids will be using this as their main means to get into the 3rd row. Looks like the only choice I have for this type of coverage is Husky 3rd row mat that will cover the space between the seats. Any other suggestions ? Thanks Pete

2013 Explorer Limited (waiting for delivery) !!!!!
Hi Pete. I can't comment on the comparison between Husky and WeatherTech regarding the 2nd row mat. From what I've seen in pictures, the Husky front mats offer more coverage in that the lip seems higher and it covers right over to the door sill. I have the complete set of Husky mats. I likely would have taken the OEM cargo mat if it had been available at the time.


Thanks for all the info. Looks like I will have to go with the Husky liners. Now, where to find the best online price.

Thanks for all the info. Looks like I will have to go with the Husky liners. Now, where to find the best online price.
Here is one link that takes you to a thread that has a site supporter (dealer) post that offers a discount. There is also a link in the thread that takes you to another link that talks about a group buy for the Husky mats. I picked mine up locally through one of a few suppliers.
Good luck.


The Huskyliners I ordered from streetsideauto.com yesterday shipped today and will be at my house Wednesday! Quick turnaround on that and just in time for our shakedown cruise to Mobile from Atlanta to spend the weekend on the USS Alabama.

I like the look of the all weather mats but want something that will cover the carpet between the 2nd row bucket seats. The kids will be using this as their main means to get into the 3rd row. Looks like the only choice I have for this type of coverage is Husky 3rd row mat that will cover the space between the seats. Any other suggestions ? Thanks Pete

2013 Explorer Limited (waiting for delivery) !!!!!

Hi Pete,

If you haven't purchased floor mats yet, you should spend some time checking out the offerings available at the Ford Accessories site: http://accessories.ford.com/interior/floor-mats.html

Let us know what you end up choosing; once your Explorer arrives we'll want to see lots of pictures. :D


Hi Pete,

If you haven't purchased floor mats yet, you should spend some time checking out the offerings available at the Ford Accessories site: http://accessories.ford.com/interior/floor-mats.html

Let us know what you end up choosing; once your Explorer arrives we'll want to see lots of pictures. :D

Hi Crystal. Unfortunately the Ford floor mats, especially the All-Weather ones, don't come close to matching the digital fit mats that Husky and WeatherTech produce. The cargo mat is a good one.
I attached a picture of my front driver's side Husky mat. The lip comes right up and over to the door sill to protect that narrow piece of carpet. It will hold water up a depth of 2". Handy I guess if you're crossing the desert.:D
If Ford wants to be a serious contender in this market, it has some work to do.


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I ordered a complete set of Husky Liners yesterday from streetsideauto.com and they were here today. Now just need the Explorer!!!

I ordered a complete set of Husky Liners yesterday from streetsideauto.com and they were here today. Now just need the Explorer!!!

According to tracking mine are at the house. It's going to be like Christmas when I get home... Floor Liners, Mud Flaps, Bumper Cover and Key Fob Covers!

Spare/Cargo well mat.

Wanted to add this mat.


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If anyone has a weathertech set of mats/liners, can you take some pictures and post them? I'd be curious to see a visual comparison to the huskys.

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Where did you get the Spare/Cargo well mat.
