Ford all-weather mat option.... Be carpeted mats still? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ford all-weather mat option.... Be carpeted mats still?


Moderator Emeritus
Moderator Emeritus
May 10, 2012
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City, State
Gilford, NH
Year, Model & Trim Level
'13 Ford Explorer Limited
If you order the all-weather mats as an option, I assume you still get the carpeted floor mats? Please advise and thanks in advance.

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I did...I think if I had too do it again I would go with the weather techs though...Fords are nice but not full coverage like weather
techs and nothing for 3rd row.

I did...I think if I had too do it again I would go with the weather techs though...Fords are nice but not full coverage like weather
techs and nothing for 3rd row.

When we ordered ours, the sales person told us that if we factory ordered a car with the all-weather mats, that the carpeted ones would be deleted. But who knows? We ended up scratching the all-weathers and buying the OEM ones after we got the car. They are fine for us. Not a lot of snow or muck to worry about here in Houston :)

Purchased a 2013 limited with the all weather mats on the factory window sticker and the carpeted mats were included also.

Thank you for the answers. Ordered the all-weather from Ford. If they do not do the job I will go with others. Always like OEM stuff when available.

Thank you for the answers. Ordered the all-weather from Ford. If they do not do the job I will go with others. Always like OEM stuff when available.
I looked at the OEM all weather mats and didn't think they would be very efficient for my use. The Husky and WeatherTech are much superior. I went with the Husky floor mats because they actually come up and cover the carpeted area by the door sill. A must for our Winters. They seem to have a higher overall lip as well. I also got the matching cargo mat. In any case you can't go wrong with either brand and they are much, much better than the OEM ones.


We do not have our Explorer yet, but which color Husky mats should I preorder? May get the third row and cargo area first then rest later.

We do not have our Explorer yet, but which color Husky mats should I preorder? May get the third row and cargo area first then rest later.
Unless the new Explorer interiors have changed, the carpet and headliner are black, as is most of the dash.
When or if ordering the second row mat, you will need to specify that you have the second row console.
There is a thread about a group buy on the Husky mats. You may want to check that out.



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