Ford Flex Factory Wheels on an Explorer?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ford Flex Factory Wheels on an Explorer??

Will a set of factory ford flex wheels fit on a 2002 explorer XLT with out any modification. I am talking like shaving and wheel spacers. They stated they also fit the edge, and I saw a explorer on here with edge wheels but I don't remember if he said he modified them or not? I was looking for specs and came up with a few. Thanks for the help I know nothing about compatibility of wheels and offsets. I just know they need to be the same lug pattern and I don't have any idea what that is for my XLT.

Flex Wheels:
Wheel Size/Offset : 19x8 +39mm
OEM part# 8A83-1007-DC
Tire Size 225/55/HR19
Bolt pattern: 5 x 114.3

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I'm interested as well. The Flex Limited has some awesome looking wheels.

Excellent I figure that much out, but thanks you replied while I was researching. They are also a little narrower width wise at 225mm? I don't know how that part would look but I think they are great looking factory wheels. The width and the offset have me concerned though.

are they 1mm further in or out? What are the thoughts on the width difference. A explorer is a 265 correct and the flex is 225? Is 40 mm going to be noticeable and effect handling?

Yes, they will fit. it's basically the same chassis as Edge, a little longer. Actually it's the replacement for the freeatyle/taurus X.

Anyone ever notice the chrome clad 18" rims on Edge Limited and Explorer limited are the same? They are.
