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Freaky problem


Active Member
October 3, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Pensacola, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Explorer V8
I got a 98 ford explorer I go work early in morning which I use my headlights I'll be driving and my Dash and headlights and radio will turn off for a second and come back on but lose no power in the engine. Then the abs light come on. It does it randomly how expensive is this problem to fix?

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do your headlights stay on but just the interior gauge lights cut out? if so, try replacing the headlight switch. i had the same problem, got a new headlight switch from kragen for 15 bucks. you have to take apart your dash to replace it which is kind of a pain, but once you get to it, its all plug n play. easy fix. hope this helps.

No headlights and all go out for a split second

check your battery terminals. Thats what happened to me. $5 fix in about 5 min.

check your battery terminals. Thats what happened to me. $5 fix in about 5 min.

Just had all my terminals re-soldered because i wasn't getting enough amps before but this problem just started happening lately..

Sound's like you have a short to me than. Try moving different wiring harnesses with your lights on and see if they cut out
