FROADER's Axial AX10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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FROADER's Axial AX10


Staff member
Elite Explorer
January 28, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Huntington Beach, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Eddie
So from Robb's thread he posted the Axial AX10 which is the first R/C crawler straight from the box. I had to have one, since I never got my TXT-1 built.

Anyway, I ordered it from RPP Hobby Wednesday and it arrived today. It's been a while since I've built one of these things and it took me about 3 hours to where I'm at now.

I still need to get the electronics in it and paint the body. The paint will probably happen tomorrow (well technically today I guess) and I'm sure will end up being flat black. The green is anodized and I didn't feel like stripping it so I could paint it a different color. I'll have to search around to see if I can find an old speed controller and motor that will work for now.

Here are some pics.






I'll eventually get a different body as well. I really like the FJ40 and the EB.



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OMG that FJ40 and EB look SICK!!!!

Jeff - :navajo:

Looking Great Froader!!:thumbsup:

The HPI Bronco body is really nice! Thick lexan and plenty of detail. An excellent overall body, and easily available.

The Proline FJ40 (as pictured) is long since discontinued unfortunately.:( They replaced it with the "Bushwacker" body, which is probably 85% exactly like the original FJ40 body, but without a lot of the detail (grille, hood, etc) that really made it stand out as a true L.C. Bushwackers are like $30 and found anywhere, original FJ40s are really only found on eBay or through classifieds and will usually run $75+.


Paint (semi-flat, I was out of ultra-flat...)and electronics are done. There are still a couple mods I want to do, to help the weight dristribution, but this thing is a blasty blast to drive around. :thumbsup:

I'll get some video tomorrow, but for now here are some pics.











Duuude. I need one of those. Stat! :eek: :cool:

sweet.... have you heard tamiya is releasing the old mountaineer platform?

sweet.... have you heard tamiya is releasing the old mountaineer platform?
Kinda sorta.;)

Unfortunately, back in the '80s, Tamiya subbed-out a large portion (the good stuff) of the parts/components that came with the original 3-speeds (Blazin Blazer, Hilux, Bruiser, and Mountaineer). In the 21st century, most of the designs, molds, and tooling of these parts are no longer with us. Unless a miracle happens, a "real" re-release of the 3-speed Tamiya platform will never happen.

Due to the popularity and collectibility of the 3-speeds, Tamiya did try to regenerate the nostalgia by creating a modern day 3-speed, and it was released in '06 as the High Lift F350. It incorporated a straight ladder frame chassis, a [plastic] 3-speed tranny/t-case based off the 1:14 scale haulers, leaf sprung rear based on the Jugg, and solid [plastic] axles based on the TLT-1. In late '07, they re-bodied the same truck, and renamed it the "Hilux," and this version incorporated a replica original Toyota front cab, and straight Toyota bed as found on the original Bruiser and Mountaineer.

Next to all the plastic junk on the market today, the high lifts are a nice piece of machinery. But as replacements for the original 3-speeds, they fall far short.

I went to my LHS today looking for the 70's Ford Truck body that I saw there a couple days ago. It was gone, but I found the Proline FJ40 body.

I'm going to need to trim a little more, but I'm liking it.





You got a Wii AND this? Colin, you're living the good life :) But no wonder you gotta sell your explorer, haha. That thing looks like fun, and i can't decide which body i like more.

So yeah...ummm I thought you were broke?:scratch:u know you got a real one of those to play with in the driveway:shifty_ey


So yeah...ummm I thought you were broke?:scratch:u know you got a real one of those to play with in the driveway:shifty_ey

I got all of this using gift cards from my b-day and christmas. No money spent....yet. ;)
Still broke, and this doesn't use gas.

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Still broke, and this doesn't use gas.

I know but for what that thing cost...that's alot of gas! Ok maybe not so much these days:rolleyes:

Gift cards are great though:thumbsup::D

maybe I can use one of my kid's baby's r us gift cards and get this to roll with you:cool:


