Getting ready to order lift.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Getting ready to order lift....


Active Member
October 24, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Paoli, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 Sport
Howdy, im finally breaking down now that the tax check has came in. Im looking to order the PA883, WAR153, and some AAL's for my 96 Sport either by tonight or tomarrow so I can put them on during my spring break (next week). Does anyone know of any stores that sell all these products so I dont have to pay for multiple shipping charges. Summit doesn't carry the shackles but do carry the bl and aals... i kinda want to get them all at one place. Any info. asap would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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. tehy dont list the shackles on their web page, have to call and order them

you need to get in on the trip to badlands on june 4th, see the thread in the planning and discussion forum about it ;)

Rock on man, thanks for the quick reply.... If June 4th is a weekend, I should be albe to make it, unless I have to work overtime or something.... Ill let ya know. Ordering my stuff either tonight or tomarrow

You might wanna order the PA-853. The 883 steering extension is the wrong one.

Blee how is your 97 set up on 33's? any pics?

birdman said:
Blee how is your 97 set up on 33's? any pics?

Look in my gallery.
