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good replacement spark plug wires


Well-Known Member
March 10, 2005
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Mullica Hill, NJ
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2000 Mountaineer AWD 5.0
Is the Taylor brand any good? The Spiro-Pro type? If not, can anyone recommend a good replacement set? Looking for quality, not necessarily racing type stuff.
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I've noticed no difference between stock wires and performance wires. I've had both and my truck runs just as well on the 40 dollar bosch wires as it does on the 80 dollar jobs i had on my old explorer.

I put a set of Taylor's on my 94 recently. The were a little thicker then the stock wires that were on there. Is there any difference....I don't know. But they do fit & look good.

Stock wires are all you really need. Though the nicer more expensive ones sure look pretty most of the time.

Typicly the variance with Performance wires and Stock wires doesn't take effect unless everything your doing is performance geared. If it isn't, your better off with stock because it's really a waste of extra money.

Thats good info, now what about the spark plugs themselves? Any difference?

Standard motorcraft or autolite platiums work the best.

Jason94sport said:
Standard motorcraft or autolite platiums work the best.'s not worth any other effort.

I would recoomend They make custom sets from Kingsborne in anumerous color, any size with varioust emperature ratings. They number each wire so you can't mess it up and the prices are better than the stock motorcraft wires.

I've had them on my truck for almost a year and they look great and perform just like the stock wires. Their customer service is excellent.

As for plugs I would use Motorcraft/Autolite double plat on your positive fire plugs and single plat on your neg fire plugs. That's the way they came from the plant.

Wait I just saw yours is a '94 does that have a coil or distributor? What I said was for coils. Single plats are fine for distributors.

BrianB31 said:
I would recoomend They make custom sets from Kingsborne in anumerous color, any size with varioust emperature ratings. They number each wire so you can't mess it up and the prices are better than the stock motorcraft wires.

What are sleeves and why do they charge you $12 for them? Do we need sleeves, I would assume so??? And they aren't that cheap, $34.99 plus $10.54 for shipping.

I was thinking of getting JBA's, are they no good?
40 bucks while the taylors are 48.
The JBA's are 9mm, wouldn't that be better than the taylors which are 8mm?

No you don't need the high temp sleeves, but you can have them if you want to. I got 9mm blue and mine were 45.00 + 7.50 to ship versus the 100 for motorcraft wires. I don't trust Bosch or the other no names.

Positive Vibes said:
What are sleeves and why do they charge you $12 for them? Do we need sleeves, I would assume so??? And they aren't that cheap, $34.99 plus $10.54 for shipping.

I just put a set of Bosch platinum plus 4 plugs and a set of Bosch wires on my explorer and I noticed a difference. The 5 and 6 plugs are fun to change, not..

Maybe cause your old plugs were worn, or other factors. I put a set on my old 94, & saw no difference.

jimcom said:
I was thinking of getting JBA's, are they no good?
40 bucks while the taylors are 48.
The JBA's are 9mm, wouldn't that be better than the taylors which are 8mm?

As was stated before you will not see any difference between stock wires and performance wires.

As performance wires will hold up to performance ignition systems and not burn out as a stock wire would...right Doug


i changed the plugs and wires. i ended up getting the blue taylor 8mm spiros, and bought bosch +4's before i read the bad stuff on this thread. but i tried them anyway. so far so good. took a ride around the block, doesnt feel any different, but i will be on the highway this afternnon to really run it. the job was easier than i thought. i was expecting a knuckle bloodbath, but i pulled down the sheet fender well matting, got right to them. #4 was a biatch, i ended up cutting it...but finally something went easy. so i will update later also. ps. doesnt seem to have helped my low/slightly rough idle. MAF may be next on the list...or the IAC

Not much differnce on the highway. but at 80k, they had to get done anyway

I put Taylors on mine and just barely noticed a slightly smoother idle.

Not much else.

another question

That no. 4 wire; goes up and then under the intake manifold. seems like a melting waiting to happen. anyone ever route number 4 with 1,2, and 3 along the side?

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