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Got a new ride today!


Elite Zoom Zoomer!
August 10, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Newport News, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 Ranger
I traded in my '01 Miata today and bought a '06 MX-5 (for those who don't know, it's no longer called a Miata). It is the Sport model with the suspension package. To get the particular car I wanted, I had to go to a dealer in Maryland, which was almost 200 miles form my house. Sorry for the quality of the pic, but it was dark when I got home. I'll take some more tomorrow, weather permitting.


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I thought it was still called a miata, now its just the mx-5 miata.
On there website it's still miata. That is nice though I have always liked miata's.

xmodster3o3 said:
I thought it was still called a miata, now its just the mx-5 miata.
On there website it's still miata. That is nice though I have always liked miata's.

Actually, up until 2006, the official name of the car was the MX-5 Miata. You're right that the website is still calling it the Miata, as is almost everyone else :). Officially, it is now called the MX-5, and I think that Mazda is going to try to wean the public off the Miata name slowly.

Guess I'll have to get a picture tomorrow so I can change my avatar. :D


Texplorer said:

Yep. Black top is up, and hard to see in the pic. A few specs:

2.0L 4 cylinder
6 speed manual transmission
170 HP
140 lb-ft torque
4.10 rear with limited slip
Curb weight 2498 lbs
205/45-17 tires

Okrazie1 said:
Yep. Black top is up, and hard to see in the pic. A few specs:

2.0L 4 cylinder
6 speed manual transmission
170 HP
140 lb-ft torque
4.10 rear with limited slip
Curb weight 2498 lbs
205/45-17 tires
Bold lines = SWEET/Going to be fun to drive!!
Nice car, I liked your silver one too.

it has 75 more hp than my truck and is heavier, but i have around the same amount of torque and a bigger displacement engine... hmmmmmm

yeah since its inception back in 90, the miata has always been an mx-5 miata.... it still a miata, and still mx-5, they are just calling it officially the mx-5 for marketing purposes... liek the old rx-7.... it never had an actual "word" name otehr than an rx7

are those projectors HID?

Man I bet that 200 mile dive home was FUN!

Nice purchase, those suckers drive like go carts!

justin146 said:
are those projectors HID?

No, they're not HID. HID is available as an option on the Grand Touring. Mine is the Sport, which is the level below the GT.

410Fortune said:
Man I bet that 200 mile drive home was FUN!

Yep, every bit of the 4200 miles I driven it so far have been a blast. I went to Huntington, WV last month to visit a friend, and got to play around in the mountains some. Makes me wish where I live wasn't so flat! :D

Miatas are very, very fun cars

damn thats a sweet ride.

Needs a Five Oh Cammer :D


I think the worse car accident I've ever seen (in person) was in a miata, ofcourse it tryed to take on a 58 buick head on :eek: . Looks like a nice car and fun I bet just be careful.

I really like the Miatas and the sporty Mazdas in general. My only problem was that a two-seater didn't match my lifestyle, so I went looking for the older MX-3 2+2 with the 5-speed 1.8 L v-6. Fun ride. Never stopped eyeing those Miatas though - and you have a pretty one. Nice combo having a sport ride and a capable SUV.

Wow, the thread is alive again! I've done a bit to the car since I bought it. Most of the work I've done is suspension related (springs, sways, front shock tower brace), but I've also changed out the stereo, the exhaust, and made a few cosmetic changes. Here's a pic of the car lowered after the installation of the Mazdaspeed springs:


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miatas are so much fun, my ex girlfriends mom had one, maunal, i had tons of fun in that thing.

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I don't know if I could drive something that small. I'm sure it's fun as hell, though. Good luck with it.
