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Grinding noise


Active Member
October 3, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Pensacola, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Explorer V8
I have a grinding noise when i turn my steering wheel left or right.... i bought this truck 6 months ago and it has new Ball joints on it... and everything was replaced apparently.. but just recently this started to happen.. i don't know if thats the symptoms of it needing to be greesed or what? any ideas.. all fluids are full just had an oil change...

98 Ford Explorer 2wd

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Sounds like wheel bearings.

Sounds like wheel bearings.

Errr. well i can't really explain the sound really.. sometimes its not so bad sometime you can hear it pretty well... its kinda like a hard grinding.. kinda like when ur low on steering wheel fluid that kinda sound.

Wheel bearings? difficult job?

Is it a grinding or groaning?

Grinding=Wheel bearings
Groaning=Running the PS system dry or low on fluid (Terrible noise lol)

*EDIT, I see you have 2WD, cant help you much there. Good luck though:thumbsup:
(Deleted my post about replacing the hubs for AWD)

Is it a grinding or groaning?

Grinding=Wheel bearings
Groaning=Running the PS system dry or low on fluid (Terrible noise lol)

*EDIT, I see you have 2WD, cant help you much there. Good luck though:thumbsup:
(Deleted my post about replacing the hubs for AWD)

Eh i'd say more of a groaning sound more then anything.... But my fluids are all top'd off

Are there any leaks in your PS system anywhere?

groaning while turning is the power steering pump. u might have air in the system. the air bubbles compress under pressure causing the groan. or it could just be the pump. for me, its the pump, its just a groaner. I just live with it.

Stupid question. Does it make the noise if your not moving.
just sitting still and turning the steering wheel, if its making the noise while at
A stand still chances are its the steering box,pump,or fluid issue

I'm havign the same problem, it would have to be the power steering pump. Sometimes people forget to bleed the air out of the PS pump before actually driving it, which could result in a brand new pump failing. Mine has enough PS fluid, yet it still "groans", I've delt with my old chevy PS pump enough to know what can go wrong if not properly worked on. I'd suggest trying to bleed the air out of the PS pump (if there is any), if it was bleed properly it shouldnt make the sound, but if it does, there is a chance the pump has already started to fail fro mthe air beeing i nthe system.

What my plan to do is flush the PS fluid, then replace with new PS fluid (I'm prolly going to try some synthetic PS fluid), then bleed the air out of the system, if it makes the sound, then replace the pump, and try to save the PS fluid (yes, I'm that cheap).

Edit: Mine groans whenever I make a turn, its louder while I'm at a stand still.

groaning while turning is the power steering pump. u might have air in the system. the air bubbles compress under pressure causing the groan. or it could just be the pump. for me, its the pump, its just a groaner. I just live with it.

will the groan get louder and worse over time? i'm sure soon ill just flush PS and brake fluid anyways but if pump is goin Meeh

Are there any leaks in your PS system anywhere?

Not that i know of.. they said my PS fluid was alittle dirty that i need a flush soon..

Stupid question. Does it make the noise if your not moving.
just sitting still and turning the steering wheel, if its making the noise while at
A stand still chances are its the steering box,pump,or fluid issue

Yeah, turning it at all it makes the groan either parked or going...

Yeah, turning it at all it makes the groan either parked or going...

that rules out wheel bearings:thumbsup:

id flush the system out, you may have contaminats in the fluid, thats the cheapest option
and a starting point

True, it is a 98 and i have no idea if anyone has ever flushed anything on this truck it could be sitting at nearly 120k with never being flushed haha

Power steering vids in the link in my signature.

I just did a test and while parked it only groans when i turn LEFT and its silent when turning RIGHT... maybe it is the bearings?

I am having this same issue where it only groans to the left. I know this was a few years ago but do you remember what the cause was??

mine groaned louder to the left as well. i am now groan free after adding rear differential lubricant additive into the power steering system. the additive is a friction modifier in a small tube and worked to immediately quite down the steering to like-new in just seconds.

mine groaned louder to the left as well. i am now groan free after adding rear differential lubricant additive into the power steering system. the additive is a friction modifier in a small tube and worked to immediately quite down the steering to like-new in just seconds.

Thank you! I will give this a shot.
