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Gulches ORV in SC (was Durhamtown)

alright guys im supposed to work friday at 5pm and get off around 12am. i am free all day saturday, but work sunday 5pm to 1130pm. i may be able to stay for a day but i dont know about staying and camping. i'll have to figure it out. just got hit with a ticket on vacation and gotta pay that off within 20 days. :/

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Probably need a little firewood. Do you have a small grill or Coleman stove?

That sucks Shooter. Hope you can make it Saturday.

I think I can get some wood together. Been raining a lot and we haven't actually cut any yet, but I'll see what we do have.

I think I have a Coleman stove here but my small tailgating grill is something else I left at my parents'. I really need to get some stuff from them.

We just had a weekend project and converted our small grill to work on my parents boat. I think our stove got tossed but I'll look as well.

Shooter sorry about the ticket and the scheduling. Hope to see you Saturday even if it's only for a couple days.

If nothing else the whole place is in the woods so we can just gather some there. Just not sure if he'd let us cut anything down or not.

We've had a few trees come down the past couple weeks and have some already stacked but not cut. Probably not motivated enough to use the chainsaw tomorrow, but we'll see. We probably have some stored from last year since it was a warm winter and we barely used the fireplace. If nothing else, I have stacks of pallets I can break down. Bed space is a premium with the spare back there.

Yeahh darn beach patrol. I should be able to make it and hang out with you guys. I may bring my friend with the jeep. Hopefully he'll have the Dana 44 under it by then. If not I'm still gonna try and make it.

Bed space is a premium with the spare back there.

I know. Between that and my tools, theres hardly any room. Thats why I throw it on top for trips now.

Yeahh darn beach patrol. I should be able to make it and hang out with you guys. I may bring my friend with the jeep. Hopefully he'll have the Dana 44 under it by then. If not I'm still gonna try and make it.

Ah man on the beach at that!? It'd be great if you can make it.

yeahhhhh thats what i said. i'll let yall know later on this week if im going. if i do happen to stay the night (to sunday) then i'll ask yall if yall need anything. im only an hour down the road anyways.

I found our stove and it works so we can use that.

annnd got the grill to use. I'll bring 2 1lbs LP bottles. Not sure if that'll be enough for all weekend so feel free to bring a bottle and we can use the stove and grille for food. I'm just tired of having cold soup and ravioli on camping trips...

Cool. I found the Coleman stove. I'll have to find the bottles of propane because for some reason they're not in the same area but I know I have some. I'll just grab more if I don't find them. Always have a use for them.

I can bring charcoal; got lots of charcoal.

Who needs wood when you've got charcoal lol. It does make starting fires really easy. My grill is gas though.

Ah, easy enough.

Have you checked the weather? Hope it holds out. I don't put much stock in forecasts that far out but we'll see.

Nope sure haven't. I don't really trust them either especially this summer with all the crazy weather.

This weekend is coming up pretty fast. Kind of want to get a count of the trucks going so if we need to we can reserve another site.

Positive so far:


Shooter are you going to venture out for this one?
GJarrett hows the build coming?
Ranger93 still able to come up?

Offtrac is your buddy still bringing his Jeep?

As of right now its looking pretty good for me. Will post again for final yes/no probably wednesday or thursday.

Awesome! :thumbsup:

Couple things:

Do we have a head count yet?

My buddy is coming with his fiance for Saturday and Sunday. He doesn't really have room for a tent in his Jeep (love my Ex!) and was wondering if anybody would be interested in getting the cabin. He called and it is available. $35 a night, sleeps 5 comfortably, has electricity and air conditioning and a grill. I don't think the rate is per person and it doesn't specify on the website nor did he ask about that. I'm fine with either and may join him in the cabin even though I did buy a new tent last week.

Any other ladies joining? My wife couldn't get off work so I'll be solo unless my brother-in-law decides tonight that he's going. Wasn't "allowed" to bring my dog.

Anybody planning on wheeling most of the day Sunday? I have nothing to get back to in a hurry except work at 5am Monday.

Does anybody need anything they don't already have? I'll have a few recovery straps, tree saver, snatch blocks, a few D-rings, air down tool, bottle jack and jack base, hand axe, shovel, hand saw, some basic tools and possibly a hitch mounted 8k winch. Leaving the hi-lift jack behind because it's technically a tractor lift and just a bit big to pack along. If anyone has one, that might be helpful. If there's anything not on this list that you think might be useful, let me know, it's probably lying around here somewhere.

I don't have a cb or walkie talkies.

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My friends coming with his Jeep on Friday as well. I think the people that were riding with me had to back out because of college move in.

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