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Headlight & lens restoration.


Elite Explorer
February 22, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Las vegas
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 aerostar awd
Well after running my new scan tool I received all clear message but still get 8-10 mpg in the city. I fail to find out why
2. I bought a head light repair kit, sanded buffed polished and coated 100% worked. After spending $50.00 I can say it works great but if you have a few tools you can cut it down to about $15.00 I bought the Mcquires Kit it said it came with a uv sealer false claim. It came with a uv polish. What you need to clear headlights my lights were a milky white you could not even see threw them and clear lens an eBay were $67.00 each the kit comes with enuff to do 2 cars but if you make up your own kit for the money you have a nice side bussness and you can make between $50-100 per car. My lens came out 80% clear were you can see reflexion in the back reflector. The real secret is you need a can of clear with uv protection with out it your lights will refog from the uv rays. Here's what you need.
1 cordless drill
2 800 grit wet dry
3 1500 wet dry
4 2000 wet dry
5 sanding disc pad
6 buffing pad
7 rubbing compound for plastic /motorcycle windshield compound ect...
8 clear uv coating
9 painters tape and new papers to protect paint
Sand all lenses from 800 to 2000 until smooth you lights will be hazy looking.
Now use buffing pad and compound buff until clear this is the magic . Once you get it clear wipe off all residue and prepair to clear coat. This is going to be the clearest your lens will be the clear coat spray lens light coating. 3 coats will do it. The wife's boss has a Benz and saw my work offered me $100. To do his Benz . Mother Germany wanted $500 to do what I did in under an hour. To dry clear coat faster once painted turn on lights to warm lens. If your good and have the time this is a nice income. A dealer can get at lease $300.00 more for a car with good lens they don't have the man power to do there cars. If you have a lot close to you offer to do the cars for $75.00 it will cost you $5.00 per car in supplies and less than a hour. Easy money

My next job today I removed my grill and painted it gloss black looks better than puke gray. So today 2 out of 3 a'nt bad

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I'm happy for you I cuff. BUt that's WAYYYY too much work for me. I just got on Ebay and bought replacement headlight and turn signals and installed them. Shouls probably get some of that UV ray protector though.Glad you enjoyed the work-out! don-ohio :)^)

Thanks I learned about cleaning and clearing my lens and the boss boss gave me $100 for doing his Benz. I would have never thought a $75, grand car would have junk lens.

Harbor don't give you the liquid polish for the plastic lens with a buffer pad for a drill and a sealer for uv. What got me mad was the sealer it was just a uv polishing agent after you used the plastic rubbing compound. It was a learning curve and I made $100 bucks which paid for the kit and I have more than enuff to do more cars. Home Depot sell clear in a spray bomb but make sure you get uv or in 4 months milky lens. This is the best use car scam to make cash. If I took what I learned and did lens at $50/100 cash that's mad money. My md limits my physical out put for the day. Some days I'm out of my wheel chair for 8+ hours other times I'm in it for months. All you young bucks this is mad money to be made for 45 minutes or less time.

A drill only spins while an orbital buffer spins & covers more surface area. You might want to look into a cordless orbital buffer if you plan on doing a lot of these lens restorations. Home Depot sells one from Ryobi as part of the 18 volt one plus system.

Thank you I'll check it out


The first photo is after the sand job. I feel the time spent and what I learn was a lesson that pays for it self and I made 100 doing the WIFES boss Benz that photo posted was before it won't let me post after even after I converted it to jpeg


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