Hello From Abu Dhabi | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hello From Abu Dhabi


New Member
August 29, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
South Wales, UK but living in Abu Dhabi, UAE
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 XLT
G'day all, just found the site as I am just about to take delivery on a 2008 XLT, and have an Escape as a company car. Converting over form Land Rovers slowly but still have a couple of them as well, a 1991 Discovery and a 2003 Freelander.

Been around 4x4 for years and done lots of off roading through out the world. Also into modifying in a serious way, used to be the owner of www.celtic4x4.co.uk infact i think they still have my Freelander on there first page.

Now its time to start modifying the two Fords and see what I can achieve with them, already got a suspension lift being fabricated for the Escape!

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Welcome to the forum:chug: I'm sure you'll find loads of info here:D


I have been to and do much work in Abu Dhabi UAE
I am an elevator consultant specializing in the worlds tallest buildings, so as you can imagine the UAE keeps me very busy.

It must be hot there in August
I understand there is LOTS of 4x4ing out there, lots of desert to explore in a 4x4?

Lets see some pics of your lifted Escape and the new 08 when she arrives please!


welcome aboard


I was at the jyard today and was picking through a '99 Discovery- I like it- it's neat inside! I like how there are tons of little cubbies and storage slots all over the place. I grabbed the rearview mirror and the homelink type thing.

hotter than s wales ....abu dhabi is but not as many sheep!!!!
or green lanes
Pics pls .
when i went i couldn't leave the airport....

Thanks all, taking deliver of the Explorer tomorrow hopefully but being Ramadan not holding out too much hope!

Should be lifting the Escape 25mm this weekend and possibly a further 25mm at a later date if the handling remains fairly tame. Bigger tyres will beon the cards as well.

You will find some photos of the offroading out here at www.jonesoftheemirates.com also my other Landies past and present, mind the site needs to be updated as well. My other exploits in the UK can be found at www.mad-freelanders.org.uk i was one of the founder members of that club and have taken Freelanders to the extreme, look up xtremelander on you tube, thats my old truck

Sp modding is in the blood and even if the Explorer is the family car and the wifes main ride it won't stay standard for long, photos to follow......

Welcome To Explorer Forum!

Welcome! I don't know much about abu dhabi, except thats where garfield always tried to mail nermal... :)
