HELP !!! Cam Position Sensor Repair!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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HELP !!! Cam Position Sensor Repair!!!


November 20, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Sacramento, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 Sport
:confused:Need an answer ASAP, if possible. Took '94 2-wheel drive to the shop on 2/06/08, to have cam position sensor replaced. I supplied the part. After 4 hours in the shop, the told me they needed a "special" tool in order to replace the part. They asked me to take it back on 2/11/08, when they would have the tool.

On 02/11/08, I took it in again at 8:00 a.m. At 4:30 p.m., I still hadn't heard from them, so I called and inquired about when it would be ready. They told me it had to be calibrated and they would call me.

Today, 02/12/08, it's now 2:00 p.m. and I still don't have my car back. I've read here at this forum that cam position sensors have been replaced by members. Other than being difficult to get to, no one has stated they needed special tools or had to calibrate the cam sensor.

Am I being jacked around or is the shop on the level? :mad:

Thanks, again guys.

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I believe they are full of BS. If they're just replacing the cam position sensor, it just bolts up. If they removed the whole drive assembly, it takes more work, but still requires no special tools (past a multi meter). Ask them what tool they needed....

I know this is a 1st generation thread, but the 2nd gen cam sensor does indeed need an alignment tool.

However-once the tool is on the assembly, it drops right in.
there is no further "calibration"

Only Gen II requires the special tool. Gen 1 does not.

Many Thanks

:thumbsup:Thanks, guys. That's what I thought. They think women are stupid! 20 hours in the shop for a 2.5 hour job! :thumbdwn:

Where would I be without all of you for your knowledge and quick answers.

Furious here - Need you again

:mad::mad::mad:I just returned from the shop. My car's still not ready and they're telling me it will be another day because they need a "special" tool. I told him that's not what he told me yesterday. Yesterday he said it needed to be calibrated. He said that's the "special" tool they need. That the tool they have is for '95 and up Explorers.

What tools are required to remove the cam position sensor from first generations? Just ordinary tools that most mechanics have, i.e., sockets, wrenches, etc? I'd like some info because I'm thinking about reporting his shop to the state licensing agency. I believe 28 hours in the shop is a bit too much for a cam position sensor replacement.

If they only removed the sensor, then a socket set is all that is needed. If they removed the drive assembly, then they need a multi-meter (every shop has one, it's a very common hand held electrical gauge.) and a socket set....and that's it.

"Special" Tool

She's supposed to be ready tomorrow. He's either giving me BS or he simply doesn't know what he's doing. I'm going to ask to see this "special" tool I will have waited 3+ days for without a vehicle. He could have at least been professional enough to call and let me know what the status of the repair was. I sure won't be referring anyone to him. His loss.

I don't know what they "think" they have to remove because they haven't touched the X yet. I provided them with the sensor and housing, which came as one unit.

I think I'm sitting because he's only going to make $200 labor on my job and he's getting the big money makers out first. When he gave me the original diagnosis he mentioned an $800 part and $200 labor. Because I provided the part, he's only going to make the labor charge.

I think he's BSing me, too and I'm furious. This is one of the reasons I visit this forum for info before I take her to the shop. Men at repair shops see women as money makers. They think they can tell us anything and we'll believe it...and we usually do because we don't know any better.

Thanks, again.


The camshaft sensor tool, looks something like this-
it may be with, or, without the t handle on top-2" diameter
ford also used a white plastic tool, but it is for a taurus, about 3" diameter

Just so you know what they look like--\they cost around 30 bux-less if you shop around.
Ammo for you.


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camshaft sensor

i have a 1994 explorer i bought new has 40,000 miles on it and i cant find a cam shaft sensor anywhere ive looked everywhere ford quit making them might anyone know where i can try please it gives me a code 214,thank you.


Ok i got the sensor from napa cost me 409 dollars but thats ok at least i got one but i cant find the alignment tool anywhere i was hopeing i could get just the sensor but guess its all in one have a great weekend ;) css511 is the sensor model
