Help!!! Need to drive my explorer asap wheel hub question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help!!! Need to drive my explorer asap wheel hub question


April 28, 2009
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93 explorer eddie bauer
ok so i had to replace my wheel bearings and i did so also replaced the rotor while i was at it , but in this process I accidentally stepped on my automatic hublock broke into a few peices beyond repair. now my question is , Is it ok to drive without the hublock on as long as I do not put her in 4wd?
The only reason im asking this is because i spent all my money and have none left to go buy a set of hublocks from autozone/pepboys there $150+ and i checked the junkyards and all the 1st gens have no rims ughhhhh and the dealership pricing for a replacement is almost double what autozone/pepboys charges
I have a 94 ford explorer eddie bauer edition if this helps at all....

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well i just said #### it and decided to get my money together and buy some hub locks, got a set for $180 at auto zone
manual locking hubs

yeah but is it going to hurt anything if i dont put it in 4WD?
I've only used it like 3 times and that was just doin some donuts in the mud, and this was prior to installing the manual hubs obviously..

as long as the hub slides on the the spindle and seems to sit correctly, you should be fine, as long as you dont try to engage the hubs or tcase.

thanks guys!! lookin forward to do the conversion asap !

I thought, the Manual hubs wont fit over the original Spindle nut hardware. I may be wrong.

Heck you can take the Tire off, put a Heavy plastic bag over the exposes Spindle and then put the tire on and have the rim and lug nuts hold the Bag on and you can drive that way. Anything to keep Crap out of the Spindle, hub area is good.
Make sure it does tangle up in the brakes

I thought, the Manual hubs wont fit over the original Spindle nut hardware. I may be wrong.

Heck you can take the Tire off, put a Heavy plastic bag over the exposes Spindle and then put the tire on and have the rim and lug nuts hold the Bag on and you can drive that way. Anything to keep Crap out of the Spindle, hub area is good.
Make sure it does tangle up in the brakes

well now that i know this , it is what im going to do
also will post up pic of the manual hub on it after a 10 minute drive , surprisingly no damage done to the spindle at all ! will post a picture up tomorrow ughh

just want to say thanks so far with everyones help and your search button saved me alota time as well

im just gona buy an auto locking hub and not risk ####ing anything else up any more than it already is

I gotta say. The manuals are SOOOO much more reliable then the Autos.

Buy the Correct hardware and the Socket for the hardware and be happy. You said you already bought the manuals.
The Manual hubs and socket and hardware is cheaper then just the Auto hubs.

i already have the manual hubs but that link you gave me is just confusing, im new to all this. But is this all i will need? (Quoted from the auto to manual hub info post)
Dana 35 = Ranger 93-97 -Explorer 91-94 = 27 spline

Automatic Hubs To Manual Hubs Use Spindle Nut Kit- Warn PN[32720]

or what exactly will i need? I'm pretty set mechanically being that 2 of my best freinds are mechanics and so is my brother but they arent really to much of help unless i have everything i need in hand....

Be careful during assembly. The Nut with the pin sticking out goes on first. The pin faces out.
Then the Washer with the holes goes on. The idea of that washer is to keep the nut with the pin from loosening up SO, you need to slide the washer onto the Spindle so the rectangle bump on the inside diameter sits in the the keyway on the spindle. Then as it rests on the Nut, make sure the pin in the Nut fits into one of the holes in the Washer. now the nut is locked in the washer and the washer can't turn because it is locked into the spindle. Now spin on the last Nut and tighten that baby down real good. Other companies make this tool
You could use a screwdriver and a hammer to tighten but that is WAY CRUDE. Then goes that washer with the teeth that fit on the Spline and lastly the snap ring that fits in the groove in the shaft. If the snap ring doesn't look like it will fit, grab the splined end and pull it out, it'll move a bit.
