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January 11, 2007
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 Sport
Cruising down the interstate in my 93 EX and I notice a big loss of power. After running about 75, the speed drops to 55 with the pedal on the floor. So, I let off the gas and then give it a little bit and there is a bad vibration and it feels like its starved for gas or choking. It's real bad, you can't give it any gas or it seems like something will blow up.

But when the speed drops off to under 50 and I give it gas everything seems fine again until the speed gets up to 70, then it does the same thing as above over again.

Any ideas please?

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dont go 75....
jk. wow that is weird. no hesitation starting or at idle? when was the last time u had the fuel filter changed?

It seems to run a little rough at idle, but no hesitation. Had the fuel filter changed last year. What I don't understand is the speed thing. Thought maybe it was the trans, having a problem shifting into OD, but it still does it when just in Drive.

When was the last time you changed your air filter?

Sounds like it might be fuel (filter, pump, FPR) related since you mention the throttle, but if it only happens at highway speeds 55-70+ and theres no hesitation when you hit the gas accelerating up to the same RPM at lower speeds...I dunno.

Just because the fuel filter was changed doesn't mean it couldn't have developed a blockage since then. Is all your basic maintenance (air filter, plugs, wires, sensors cleaned) taken care of?

If it IS tranny related (say, if it only happens in the highest gear), it's not like a fluid change would be a bad idea....
