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Hi beam switch


Well-Known Member
July 16, 2007
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When i pull the whipper arm to flash my high beam it dont work and when i push it to put the high beam all front lights close...is it the switch you think or its something else???

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I have a similar problem. I had my headlights go out after flashing my high beams. Pulled over and tried to manually wire the headlights from the battery. No lights :confusion:! Finally pushed on the stick (Turn signal) and the high beams did work but no low beams. Now I know just to wiggle the turn signal front to back and I can get either set of lights to work. I think the light switch in the turn signal has a bad ground or other wire.

Ps. I also replaced the switch in the the dash.

check the relays

The contacts in the multi function switch wear over time and can cause intermittent operation.

To check the multi function switch (aka wiper, directionals, high beams) for high beam operation you can test the high beam signal wire pictured below. If you put high beams ON and this wire has 12v you have a relay issue, if it doesn't have 12v then the switch is bad/loose.


Sorry im really noob in electrical circuit. If i understand i should let the switch plugged and puncture the green-black wire and got it to a ground with my multimeter nd check for 12v right??? Ok i will try it...but where is the relay ??? I have a lot of relays I got at junkyard for free so it wont be a problem to change it. Hey by the way theres a se3rial number that chenge on some relay its clearly written in white..the last number i think...maybe if you know it or check it you could help me more again.
Really thank you guys!!!!

BTW: What do you mean by #35 on the white disk??? I only have the haynes manual so it dont show much.

Sorry im really noob in electrical circuit. If i understand i should let the switch plugged and puncture the green-black wire and got it to a ground with my multimeter nd check for 12v right??? Ok i will try it...but where is the relay ??? I have a lot of relays I got at junkyard for free so it wont be a problem to change it. Hey by the way theres a se3rial number that chenge on some relay its clearly written in white..the last number i think...maybe if you know it or check it you could help me more again.
Really thank you guys!!!!

BTW: What do you mean by #35 on the white disk??? I only have the haynes manual so it dont show much.

I wouldn't worry about relays until you've tested the switch. The white disk is the wire connector on the firewall.. each wire slot is numbered and #35 is the slot for the high beam wire.

To test the switch you get a Multi-tester, set it for DC volts and then attach the black lead to a solid ground on the vehicle. Test the ground by touching the red lead to a fuse in the fuse in the fuse panel (each fuse will have a tiny metal pin head on each side) touching this should show 12v on your meter and confirm your ground is good. Once you've established you have a good ground take the red lead and probe the high beam wire.. You don't need to puncture the wire as you should be able to insert it into the slot to contact the metal connector.


Ok I tested the #35 wire but on canadian model its a dark purple one not a green-black. There no green black on the switch

First- I tested the #35 wire with low beam it told me 14.12 volts

Second- I tested it with the Flash-to-pass it gave me 14.89 volts

Third- I tested it with hi-beams fully at ON and it gave me 14.49 volts

So is it possibly the relay or theres something wrong anywhere else ???

BTW where is located the high beam relay???

Thank you again !!!!

Problem resolved

Ok guys i admit i made a really beginner mistake!!!!

I tested the switch but i never looked at the bulb itself....both bulb where faulty and broken on high beam...thank you for all the help
