How to for a "floating hood" | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to for a "floating hood"


Active Member
February 18, 2007
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Have you ever seen those cars and trucks at shows with their hoods up and tilted back across the front, so it looks like the hood is actually floating above the engine bay? Well here's how to do it quite simply and VERY cheap, without going to a seller and buying a kit for probably around $100. You can do it yourself, (cost me about $18). You may want some :help: if you can't lift the hood yourself... Took me about 2 and 1/2 hours for doing it the first time - no help.


(I did drivers side first, so that's how I'm going to talk in this one)
(Make sure you have two supports holding the front of the hood up)

Materials Needed (what I used)
1. A Ford Explorer
2. 2 strap hinges (8 inches)
3. 9 screws
4. 4 bolts
5. 4 nuts
6. Several wrenches
7. A permanent Marker
8. Tape
9. 4 Sheets of 4x6" metal (I used the stuff more for lumber, has lots of pre-drilled holes! Double them up when I refer to one, it means both)

How To do it (how I did it)


1. Open your hood, obviously
2. Pop out those little black clip things holding on the hood liner
3. Remove the hood liner
4. Place a small cloth behind your hood, in between the windshield
5. Grab the bottom of the hood, and keep your hand firmly there
6. Take your wrench with the correct head, and unbolt the hood, top bolt first
7. Slowly let the hood side down on the cloth
8. Place the strap hinge behind the factory hinge
9. Use a permanent marker to mark the OEM bolt holes
10. Use a drill, (preferably a drill press) and drill out the factory size bolt holes.
11. Mount the hood back with the hinge sandwiched between the hood hinge and the hood.
12. Tape the top of the hinge to the hood
13. Lay the metal sheets behind the hinge and across the hood supports (the parts that stick out)
14. Use the permanent marker to outline the hinge location, and screw locations
15. Drill out those spots
16. Drill small, pilot holes in the same locations in your hood supports
17. Screw the strap hinge to the metal sheets
18. Screw the top of the hinge to your hood support
19. Unbolt your OEM bolts on the hood hinge now
20. Using separate, shorter bolts, connect the hood hinge, to the strap hinge, NOT THE HOOD.
21. Bolt those bad boys down tight, and in the factory locations (for proper fit)
22. Remove the clips located in the hood (part the bolt screwed into)
23. Saw off the remainder of the bolt behind it
24. Do the same to the other side of your hood
25. Place hood liner back
26. Put those little black clips back in
27. Remove the hood supports, and slowly let the hood fold down.
28. Check locations of everything and make sure its all nice and good

The only way to have the Explorer hood close normal again, because of those danged hydraulic arms, is to either pull the hood towards you as you close it, or place your hand in the center of the hood and press it down. If you lined the bolts back up to factory spots, the hood should close and look like a stock hood. When you open it, make sure you do from the CENTER, or it will go up off sides and look weird until its up and even. Again, because of the hydraulics. This process took me about 2-3 hours no help.

I am in no way responsible for any damages or ANYTHING associated with this page, so don't blame me if the hood closes and smacks you on the head. If you have any ideas to make this better, let me know!

RESULT: When you open your hood, it opens normally, BUT, you can then grab the top, and fold it down (It wants to fall on its own because its so heavy, get a support). Your hood liner actually hides the hinges about 98%, when its up normal you wouldn't even see them. When it folds down, it slightly bends the hood liner, but only a little-no creases) Perfect for car shows, or just someone who wants to show off. This is the first day I have had it, and already I have received comments from just about everyone in my school! The stock hood latch on the hood, actually rests on your radiator cover thing, so it is already supported.

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lol Im going to be busy for some of today, the best pics im going to be able to take are with my camra phone...better than none I suppose, my camera died last night and I forgot about my phone, (it was 12:30am gimme a break lol) Check back later tonight and I should have 'em posted!

Pics for ya'll

See, hidden 98% of the hinge:

Strap hinge bolted onto hood hine, then back of the bolts shaved off:

Strap hinge is bolted onto the hood support beam (the one that sticks out):

See, the hood rests on the radiator shroud thing:

Cant really see it, but its a back shot:

Show room shot:

Show room shot #2

Well, now that is actually pretty cool!!

Your instructions are a bit shaky as they are--could you do a writeup with step by step?

You could then submit it for consideration for some elite priveliges. :thumbsup:

Step by step exactly how I did it? Or how the average person could do it? And in how much detail? It wont be till maby tomorrow till I can write it up, work till 4 today, washing my truck after, then going to buy stuff, aaand then a ...midnight cruise... with my car club, Grounded Customs. Sun I should be able to.

Step by step exactly how I did it? Or how the average person could do it? And in how much detail? It wont be till maby tomorrow till I can write it up, work till 4 today, washing my truck after, then going to buy stuff, aaand then a ...midnight cruise... with my car club, Grounded Customs. Sun I should be able to.
The more detailed the better and tell how you did it yourself.

I didn't know what you were talking about at fist, but now that I see the pics and understand the write up it looks SWEEEEEEEEEEET !

Maybe post a few more pics of the hood closed, open, and then floating to give us the whole experiences...

Materials Needed (what I used)
1. A Ford Explorer
2. 2 strap hinges (8 inches)
3. 9 screws
4. 4 bolts
5. 4 nuts
6. Several wrenches
7. A perminant Marker
8. Tape
9. 4 Sheets of 4x6" metal (I used the stuff more for lumber, has lots of pre-drilled holes! Double them up when I refer to one, it means both)

How To do it (how I did it)

1. Open your hood, obviously
2. Pop out those little black clip things holding on the hood liner
3. Remove the hood liner
4. Place a small cloth behind your hood, in between the windshield
5. Grab the bottom of the hood, and keep your hand firmly there
6. Take your wrench with the correct head, and unbolt the hood, top bolt first
7. Slowly let the hood side down on the cloth
8. Place the strap hinge behind the factory hinge
9. Use a perminant parker to mark the OEM bolt holes
10. Use a drill, (preferribly a drill press) and drill out the factory size bolt holes.
11. Mount the hood back with the hinge sandwiched between the hood hinge and the hood.
12. Tape the top of the hinge to the hood
13. Lay the metal sheets behind the hinge and across the hood supports (the parts that stick out)
14. Use the perminant marker to outline the hinge location, and screw locations
15. Drill out those spots
16. Drill small, pilot holes in the same locations in your hood supports
17. Screw the strap hinge to the metal sheets
18. Screw the top of the hinge to your hood support
19. Unbolt your OEM bolts on the hood hinge now
20. Using seperate, shorter bolts, connect the hood hinge, to the strap hinge, NOT THE HOOD.
21. Bolt those bad boys down tight, and in the factory locations (for proper fit)
22. Remove the clips located in the hood (part the bolt screwed into)
23. Saw off the remainder of the bolt behind it
24. Do the same to the other side of your hood
25. PLace hood liner back
26. Put those little black clips back in
27. Remove the hood supports, and slowly let the hood fold down.
28. Check locations of everything and make sure its all nice and good

The only way to have the explorer hood close normal again, because of those danged hydrolic arms, are to either pull the hood twards you as you close it, or place your hand in the center of the hood and press it down. If you lined the bolts back up to factory spots, the hood should close and look like a stock hood. When you open it, make sure you do from the CENTER, or it will go up off sides and look weird untill its up and even. Again, because of the hydrolics. This process took me about 2-3 hours no help, and I am in no way responcible for any damages or ANYTHING associated with this page, so dont blame me if the hood closes and smacks you on the head. If you have any ideas to make this better, let me know!

Thanks for the write-up. I just set you up with three months of Elite Explorer privledges.:thumbsup:

Very cool idea!

We used to do this on trunks of cars back in early 2k. Makes a trunk look like it is floating, toyota camry, and Acura Legend are two we did that come to mind.

Looks cool for a show vehicle I guess, not sure on the shutting part. gotta be a way to "pin" it so it can be normal or floater.

Yea, I have seen when you do that, to add 2 hood pins to the back of it, by where the fender meets the windshield area. Both sides. has a list of crazy cool things you can do to your car without paying the massive costs most companies charge. Floating hood, floating trunk, sideways trunk, carbonfiber look, flamethrower, etc... Its a good site

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That is pimped. u only need a nice looking engine to make it worth it.
