How to remove air cleaner box on '97 5.0 L ? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to remove air cleaner box on '97 5.0 L ?

The whole box comes off? Hmm.. that would probably give me a better angle to pry this thing off.
Man, you know how much Ford is wanting to charge for the Air Box assembly? $260+ That's pretty rediculous. And of course, looking for an airbox in a junk yard is almost pointless..

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I'm going to, I'm just doing the silencer mod until I get the Mac. And If I damage the box, it would be nice to have a replacement until I can get the mac. This plastic doesn't like this cold weather.. heh..


Ugh, I should just break it into little tiny pieces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is there any way I could get under the box and get it out somehow? Like, under the platform.. something I could do to get it out. How exactly are those things held in there? Are they like the plastic button things that are all over the vehicle?

I just snapped some pics of my old stock air box, maybe that will help you





Well, one of the bottom thingies are broke.. The other one likes to pull the platform up.. I don't know what to do.. I'm about to break it into little pieces... airbox no more! will be the magic trick's name... ugh.
Do you think pulling the airbox up from the hole where the maf is connected? Or would that just bent the clips that hold the box together with the filter?

I've removed one from a 98 Ranger before, It's not hard. But something is going on with this one.. I don't want to mess up that platform. I've never had it bend out like that.

Do you buy chance want to keep your stock airbox?

Anyway to pull the rubber gromits out??

Try a pound or two of C-4...that'll shake it loose.


For the rubber grommets, they just pull out. Might need pliers though.

Good news and bad news.
Good news: I finally got it out.
Bad news: Broke the Airbox.

Both bottom thingies are broke off, I took off the plate and got them out of the rubber gromit things. The airbox is kind of loose now but I don't think it'll be too much of a problem.
Also cracked the fender side of the box. The middle clip thing that holds the top on is gone. But it all still closes up properly and seals.

Nothin, not a single comment?

Well, sorry
I was busy getting my owm truck running, collecting data and such
, and most of the gang is going to truckhaven-

But hey-Good job for getting it out :thumbsup:

How does it run with the silencer removed?

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I've only revved it in the driveway, sounds nice. I'll know how it drives later though. Not sure if I'll be able to "feel" any difference... 1ft+ of snow outside.. lol
