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How to: How To: Replacing Rear Axle Wheel Bearings

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Your "supposed" to replace that 9mm head bolt.. They even make a special tool to get that bolt out when/if it breaks.. and all the stories I've heard of them breaking are ones that were reused..


I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere... not saying what you say isn't true, just thought I haven't read/seen that.

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well ok... for $3, you sold me! :D

makes sense, though.

Me too... :)

Not so brave, but the seals are annoying

I'll wait till I get a spare car before I tackle this.

But, my '95 has 296K on it, and I replaced the seals/bearings about 80K ago. I'm wanting to just pop new seals in, but I'm also contemplating keeping this as the 3rd vehicle for a while, past the 300K mark. I bet my axles are worn. Will new seals last more than a few thousand miles?

I'll wait till I get a spare car before I tackle this.

But, my '95 has 296K on it, and I replaced the seals/bearings about 80K ago. I'm wanting to just pop new seals in, but I'm also contemplating keeping this as the 3rd vehicle for a while, past the 300K mark. I bet my axles are worn. Will new seals last more than a few thousand miles?

if installed properly yes, they should last a LONG time.

My Explorer has ~180k miles on it, seals have never leaked. Before or after replacing the seals.

Pulling the pin out.

Me and my buddy just bought an 86 Bronco 2 and it has a bad seal. Only problem is that when we went to take the pin out we realized it hits on the Carrier gear. The backside of our pin is milled flat but not all the way down the pin, ( it becomes round again about halfway down the pin). This is really anoyying and it really pissed me off when i saw how easily you did it after we sat under it all last night completely confused lol.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!! THanks

Me and my buddy just bought an 86 Bronco 2 and it has a bad seal. Only problem is that when we went to take the pin out we realized it hits on the Carrier gear. The backside of our pin is milled flat but not all the way down the pin, ( it becomes round again about halfway down the pin). This is really anoyying and it really pissed me off when i saw how easily you did it after we sat under it all last night completely confused lol.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!! THanks

it certainly could be very different on the 7.5" rear axle that were in Bronco2s. I don't think I've ever pulled the diff cover on mine.

Pulling The Pin

Hey we got it figured out, just had to twist it a little, then used tweazers to pull the c clip out. hardset part of the whole thoing was gettin the bearing out!!!!!

it certainly could be very different on the 7.5" rear axle that were in Bronco2s. I don't think I've ever pulled the diff cover on mine.[/QUOTE

Hey we got it figured out, just had to twist it a little, then used tweazers to pull the c clip out. hardset part of the whole thoing was gettin the bearing out!!!!!

seal and bearing

Any suggestions on what to do if that 9mm bolt is on the opposite end of that housing. It is out of eye sight. Your picture has it there as soon as the diff cover is removed. With my cover removed, I have to reach over that housing just to feel it. Good info though.

Any suggestions on what to do if that 9mm bolt is on the opposite end of that housing. It is out of eye sight. Your picture has it there as soon as the diff cover is removed. With my cover removed, I have to reach over that housing just to feel it. Good info though.

Rotate the rear wheel until it is to the rear.:D

Axle Saver Bearings?

So, I have done my homework and re-read this twice, and can't seem to find any mention of where, or who, makes this much sought-after (by me, at least) "axle saver" bearing, with seal attached.

If someone who isn't as dense as me could reply, I wouldn't mind looking like a fool. But so far, everyone else I have asked has looked at me like I'm crazy. Which I am, but they didn't have the axle saver bearing...

Timken does... can't think of the part number off my head, but I know I have it in a post somewhere around here.

found it!
Bearing Kit (Repair Bearing/Axle Saver; Replaces OE bearing and seal) - Timken TRP1559TV

Wow. That was quick. I was still on hold at Summit!

Now I'm all over the map. Should I order a replacement pinion bolt from Fabbri? I wonder if it's stronger than the one at the dealer.

a pinion bolt is a pinion bolt; I wouldn't think there's much of a strength difference between one bought at a dealership and one bought somewhere else.

although I didn't replace mine, as I hadn't READ anything that said to. Although people here recommend it, and for a couple bucks, certainly can't hurt.

get it wherever is cheaper and can get it to you in time.

I myself would find one locally, only because shipping to Alaska would probably cost just as much, if not more, than the part.


Finding this Timken stuff is a pain in the ***. Goodness, all this for a leaking seal...and no rear brakes.

Thanks for all the help, guys.

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Thanks for the advice, Gavin. I thought maybe someone would chime in and say the one bolt was heat treated or something to make it stronger, maybe. It's not like I want to crack the pumpkin open more than I need to, you know?

Out for a bolt, and to maybe find the elusive, but much acclaimed, Axle saver bearing...which makes me wonder, will the time put in searching for it be worth it? Which makes me wonder, what caused the seal to pop in the first place? Perhaps too much sideways flex on the axle, while offroad, cause the axle to flex and bend the lip of the seal? And would a bearing set farther outboard have prevented this?

Just thinking. Way too much. And now the truck is on jackstands and cold rain is coming. Perfect.

And now someone is telling me to run synthetic gear oil, as it will be quieter. And won't leak as easy.

Total brain lock now.
