I Hate COPS!!! This is absurd!!!! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I Hate COPS!!! This is absurd!!!!

A ticket for public showing off Perry? LOL that'd be hillarious

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Number 1. I think I'll introduce myself to Mr Mofodela. My name is Pete, and I am a law enforement major. Now, although I whole heartedly disagree with the attitude of the officer, there is other things I disagree with. If it is illegal, the clear bulbs that is, he did have all the right in the world to stop you. As for the shot glasses, whether they are clean er not, you average citizen doesn't drive around with them sititng in their center console or what not. To me, I could see that as causing suspecicion. Sure you say ya were polite, and well dressed and clean cut etc... Yer tellin me there may not be others like that who very well coulda been drinkin, and that coulda led to getting a drunk driver off the street? What woulda happened if there was someone else in the same situation, who had oh lets say some drugs in the car, and the shot glasses looked odd... and the officer chose to search and found the drugs? that was just an example, but to say none the less, to me, I could see shotglasses as somethin suspecious. So, the only thing I completely disagree with is his attitude... I don't know why cops have to be ****y and what not, but if they're gonna be cool with me, I'll be fine with them! :)
*stepping off the soap box*

the bulbs are physically blue and light up a white light, in my case they're a deep white, almost amber color on parking lights, but turn a bluish white when they flash, at no point are they the same color as my headlight.

anyway heh, perry, around here if you squeal a tire for any reason, its a maximum of a $2k fine and 2 years in prison.. so.. heh, be glad you don't live in this crazy state :bounce:

I will be soooooo glad when Bush is done being President, so he can make Texas it's own country....

Originally posted by DarkFox1
anyway heh, perry, around here if you squeal a tire for any reason, its a maximum of a $2k fine and 2 years in prison.. so.. heh, be glad you don't live in this crazy state :bounce:
Guess I was just lucky the time I did a burnout through an intersection (in my old Ranger, couldn't do that in the 'sploder :D) with a cop right across from me... :eek: It was night and I didnt realize a cop was across the intersection, a friend was behind me so I lit em up all the way through the intersection. He flipped on his lights and busted a U-turn, I went ahead and pulled over before he even finished turning around. The cop that was driving came and gave me some hell (fully deserved), and then called his partner out too. Made me get out of the truck and talk to them, thus making me feel like a total tard (didn't help that a ton of my friends drove by). In the end, they totally got their point across, and let me off with simply a verbal warning. THAT is what I call a cool cop- someone who still does their job, but doesn't go out of their way to screw over the person. A cop who just lets people off every time isn't classified as "cool", that's incompetent.

Originally posted by mahieber
I will be soooooo glad when Bush is done being President, so he can make Texas it's own country....

:bounce::bounce: :bounce: Amen to that.:bounce::bounce: :bounce:

wow man, you really got off.. theres a guy here.. he downshifted in his S-10.. (you know how light the rearend of a truck is) and his tires barked, well grandma that he was passing didnt like this and called the cops on him.. I didn't see him driving around for a month, and I imagine he got at least a $50 fine.. it was in the paper and everything

Originally posted by ok89

:bounce::bounce: :bounce: Amen to that.:bounce::bounce: :bounce:

yeah me too then I can move back home!!!

I find it real hard to figure why white turn signals are illegal. Any car before 1963 or so has white turn signals.
I can understand some clears being illegal with out the reflector and the cheap dim red bulbs you can hardly see. Cant see brake lights in the daylight.
What percent of preachers are a--holes, theives, incompetent ect. No matter what the profession they are out there. Some people can't handel power. I respect the position/uniform; the person inside has to earn my respect. Cops (not the people in the uniforms) are pain in the a-s, untill you need them. Then they are nice to have around.
Dont do the crime if you cant do the time....

Originally posted by DarkFox1
wow man, you really got off.. theres a guy here.. he downshifted in his S-10.. (you know how light the rearend of a truck is) and his tires barked, well grandma that he was passing didnt like this and called the cops on him.. I didn't see him driving around for a month, and I imagine he got at least a $50 fine.. it was in the paper and everything
now thats just stupid! i know a guy at an intersection that dumped the clutch and his tires chirped and got a ticket for it, cause the cop was at the intersection. but went to court and got it dismissed!

yea, the cops around here are inconsistant, clears and neon are perfectly fine, or at least, its everywhere, yet you can't spin a tire or you get a fine.. WEIRD.. oh well, at least I'm not from VA, from what I've heard from a few people online, they're very much the tightwads about anythign custom vehicle, anyone from VA know what I'm talkin about? heh

:bounce: I jst like that thing lol

first of all, can't wait for Bush to be back either. Second of all, are the white turn signals technically illegal in the transportation code of your state or do the cops just not like them. I know in Dallas (Texas) it states in the transportation code that amber or white turning signals are legal but just in case I keep a copy of that part of the transportation code printed out in my glove box.

Originally posted by hornz2000
first of all, can't wait for Bush to be back either. Second of all, are the white turn signals technically illegal in the transportation code of your state or do the cops just not like them. I know in Dallas (Texas) it states in the transportation code that amber or white turning signals are legal but just in case I keep a copy of that part of the transportation code printed out in my glove box.

Thats actually a very good idea, I'm gonna look up NY's code and do the same thing.

cops are just people too

cops have a hard job to do. Most of the people they deal with are crooks creeps and freaks. They have bad days just like the rest of us. Its not right for them to take out their frustrations on the rest of us, but they are just people too. Granted there are cops who oughtta be behind bars, but there are a whole lot more who actually care about the citizens they are sworn to protect. If you just obey the traffic laws you won't be pulled over. Get over it and quitcherbitchin.:shoot:

I hear that.. protect and serve, theres no way I'd deal with what they have to put up with on a regular basis, hell I don't even like to be in a bad neighborhood period, much less being called to one BECAUSE of fowl play, but you're right, we're not all hardened criminals

Originally posted by hornz2000
first of all, can't wait for Bush to be back either. Second of all, are the white turn signals technically illegal in the transportation code of your state or do the cops just not like them. I know in Dallas (Texas) it states in the transportation code that amber or white turning signals are legal but just in case I keep a copy of that part of the transportation code printed out in my glove box.
where did you go to find this, i want to look at NC's too.

Originally posted by tbomb
because most of the moderators on this site are intense right wingers that dont appreciate others' opinions that arent congruent with their own.
Well gee, I guess it's time for another one of us "intense right wingers" to respond. :rolleyes:

To begin with, I'm a big believer in the First Amendment (freedom of religion, expression, speech for those needing a refresher ;)). To that end, I personally have no problem with a subject like this being discussed, as long as it stays on topic and cordial. I think you'll find most of the other moderators work the same way.

Regardless, I'd like to add a bit to the discussion at hand. There's no question there are some bad cops out there, but I truly believe that the majority of them are good, decent people with a very difficult job. Notice, I wrote the word people - not machines. People with emotions. People who might just have a life outside their incredibly demanding job. A life that may have some of the very same stresses and concerns that yours has! Thus, they're going to make mistakes. Some of them may not be as good at communicating as others are. Some may actually act like jerks sometimes! Just as some doctors have better "bedside manner" than others.

I also believe that the scope of a cops job is one that few civilians truly understand. How many other jobs do you know of that ask you to potentially give your life during every shift in order to save a complete stranger? You can't even imagine the experiences most of these people undergo during their careers. From people dying in their arms at accident scenes to arriving at a domestic call where some guy just beat the s**t out of his wife and kids. Writing traffic citations is but one small part of the average cops daily routine.

If you truly have an open mind, I'd encourage those who say they "hate cops" to look into going on a ride-along with your local police/sheriff's department. Most of them are happy to oblige and - having done this recently myself for a video project I'm working on - believe me, it can't help but open your eyes! See what life is like in their shoes before you judge so many of them at once.

Finally, as to the particulars of the matter that started this thread, it's tough to say whether that cop had a legitimate concern or not. But he didn't give you a fine either, did he? Also, I know it's tough sometimes being young (teenager/early 20s), I was there myself not all that long ago. It's also true that many cops pay special attention to those younger drivers out there. But be honest - why shouldn't they? The majority of accidents are caused by/involve young drivers (under 25). That's also the reason most car rental companies either won't rent to, or charge huge fees to drivers under that age.

Does that mean all young drivers are irresponsible and dangerous? When you answer that question, consider that the generalization that could be made about young drivers is very similar to the generalization made about cops at the beginning of this thread...

well said Chris, well said :).
Seriously I've been popping in and out of this thread for a while and I try not to respond because I realize that all my points are subjective, meaning I can see them but other people might not be able to.
Anyways I too have no problem with people saying they don't like cops as long as it doesn't get out of hand. Next time you think of how much you hate cops, think of how much you'd hate life without them, as criminals would be running around with no fear of being caught, killing your loved ones, stealing your stuff, driving 100 miles an hour in school zones and killing your kids. They may go overboard sometimes, but think of all the times they pull someone over for something relatively minor, i.e. blinker or taillight burned out, and the person ended up having bricks of cocaine and bundles of cash in the back or something, that's one of the reasons many cops will look for any reason to pull you over if you look even slightly suspicious.
It used to always tick me off when I was 17, driving my 98 Moonlight Blue F-150 (beautifal machine) and getting pulled over because cops thought I was stealing the vehicle and were rather suprised when they found out it was actually mine, but I guess if some punk DID steal it, I'd like if it the cop would pullt hem over just because they looked suspicous :)

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man that sucks,
yea cops are werid and sometimes gay like that though

but i have to say something to the moderators.

How can one person get away with so called "cop bashing" while another I.E.- ME, gets his post deleted....that is really wrong and injust to the users of this site.....IMO

