i need to know what this part is called | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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i need to know what this part is called


March 29, 2009
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98 explorer
i have a 95 explorer ok the back brakes on the driver side the thing the caliper is bolted to have 2 marks cut in to it from the ends of the brake pads and it has worn out 2 calipers what need to know is what the thing the caliper is bolted to it like a bracket but i need to know what it is called so i can get a new one well i will have to buy a new caliper to ?????????????????

Calipers wearing out do to a bad mount? Makes no sense. How does a caliper wear out?
What is actually happening to the brakes? Can you post a picture?
The only moving part on that mount is the slide pins which can be serviced or replaced IIR.
