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January 30, 2005
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Clayton, NC
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07 XLT 4X4
Has anyone ever had the problem with MFT playing their Ipod and then not responding to the Ipod. My Ipod plays fine then the system doesn't respond.
I've tried all the common stuff. removed the ipod, turned off the key and then reinstalled the Ipod.

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I had something similar happen with my iPhone. After playing music (via USB cable) from the iPhone the touch screen was non-responsive for several minutes. Touching anywhere on the screen gave no response.

After several minutes the screen was responsive but the screen calibration was off - I had to touch about an inch and a half to the left of the button I wanted. That meant the buttons on the left of the screen could not be used at all.

Turning the engine off, then restarting "cured" the problem, but only temporarily.

Earlier this week I pulled the battery cable and forced a reboot of the MFT (even with all the pictures, etc., here I still could not get to fuse 29). So far, so good, but I'll be watching this closely.

I've got a 2012 XLT AWD with latest MFT update installed.

Ipod classic 80 gig video........works great with My MFT......

I had something similar happen with my iPhone. After playing music (via USB cable) from the iPhone the touch screen was non-responsive for several minutes. Touching anywhere on the screen gave no response.

After several minutes the screen was responsive but the screen calibration was off - I had to touch about an inch and a half to the left of the button I wanted. That meant the buttons on the left of the screen could not be used at all.

Turning the engine off, then restarting "cured" the problem, but only temporarily.

Earlier this week I pulled the battery cable and forced a reboot of the MFT (even with all the pictures, etc., here I still could not get to fuse 29). So far, so good, but I'll be watching this closely.

I've got a 2012 XLT AWD with latest MFT update installed.

Hi, willyray0702!

If that happens again, I suggest a trip to your dealership so they can see what's causing this to happen. Also, gdecamp was kind enough to type out step-by-step instructions on how to reboot MFT without pulling the fuse or battery cable. Here's his post:


Let me know if you have any questions!

Ipod classic 80 gig video........works great with My MFT......



An update on my issue: I have a ProClip installed just to the right of the touchscreen. It turns out the clip was touching the screen, leading to all of my issues. I gently pulled it away from the screen and life is good. This one is on me, not Ford. If you use the ProClip, which otherwise is great, be very careful during installation and later to keep it off the screen.
