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JL kicksass

Come on people, lets not let this turn into a "my brand is better than you brand" thread again. Like Leenjen said, there is no one company that makes the best of EVERYTHING...

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Originally posted by RoadEnforcer
None of those brands come anywhere close to the JL Audio W7s also, Jl Audio also has amazing amps. the JL Audio 1000/1 is far far better then any other amp which says it is powered at 1000 watts. Might cost more but what you get for it, its worth it.

You just keep thinking that...

You obviously haven't heard of half of the brands we named...

for the price, JL makes great amps and subs.. granted for more you can get better, but thats the same with ANYTHING, ANYWHERE, if it sounds good to you who cares if theres something supposedly better?? your the one listening to your stereo, buy what you want, and enjoy it

this is a great forum, i just was about to make a new one and i happend to see this one... i blew out one of my old speakers and was thinking about getting 2 12" jl w0's... and see if anyone liked them or thought they sounded good.... but seing how you people talk about the 10s, im sure the 12s will sound just as nice... i have one question... i HAD 2 rf serious punch speakers... jlw0s would definaltly be a step up right?

I am thinking of putting either 2 12" W7s with the 2000/1 jl amp pushing them or 3 12" W6v2 with the same amp. in the X

What would you all think?

Id say yer crazy! :D


Originally posted by DonM
Id say yer crazy! :D


Yea i sick of being able to hear my girlfrien B**ch at me

Ha Ha, that's funny! :)


Jl 10W0

JL redesigned their subs, including the entry level w0 series. The w0 will be great, and will be able to withstand the powr you send to them the way OLD Fosgate subs could stnad up to anything. Their newer ones leaves something to be desired.

BTW, more good companies:

Karl Burns

beastb15, dude believe me i have heard pretty much all of them, going to shows like hot import night and carlisle and other shows also.... and I have run into about all of them, so yes I will keep thinking that, But really lets not start fighting over opinions, were explorer owners and thats all that matters. so just chill.

Bonnich.... 2000/1 JL audio? ah i think they just made a 1000/1 and I have never heard anything larger then hat from JL.

Originally posted by RoadEnforcer
beastb15, dude believe me i have heard pretty much all of them, going to shows like hot import night and carlisle and other shows also.... and I have run into about all of them, so yes I will keep thinking that, But really lets not start fighting over opinions, were explorer owners and thats all that matters. so just chill.

Bonnich.... 2000/1 JL audio? ah i think they just made a 1000/1 and I have never heard anything larger then hat from JL.

yea it was the 1000/, 2000 was the price

sub for sale

I have 2 12" JL WO subs in a ported box for sale, If any one is interested email me at jrgaylor1@aol.com
delivery available in southwestern washington
These are great speakers, adult owned, pictures available.

I see it as this:

Speakers: Focal seem to be pretty awsome when it comes to components....MB Quart are awsome too..

Subs: I have two JL 10w0s in my Explorer, i love em, but i need some new ones....mine are 5 years old....haha

Amps: Yea, JL makes some good ones, along with a lot of others...but i have had a 640 watt BOSS amp for 5 years now, it doesn't heat up, never cuts out, and is loud as a mutha....i love the thing and i only paid like $100 bucks for it brand new....

Originally posted by bonnich

yea it was the 1000/, 2000 was the price

Are you serious? JL charges that much for that thing?

I run three 10w6's off of a crossfire amp with boston pro seperates in the front off of a concealed four channel, but as far as three 12 w6's vs 2 12 w7's...If you are going for best bang for the buck get the w6's if you want more of a competition setup and are looking to win bass offs and spend a lot of money for what I think is not worth it(in this particular comparison) then the w7's are for you. Just remember that you could get one jl(or equivalent..."no my brand is better than yours") 1000/1 to push all of the w6's and would need two of them to correctly drive two w7's. I have been looking into the w7's myself and I just cannot justify the cost too switch to them. Just my opinion.

sorry my two sense was for bonnich

well id take a brahma over a w7, maybe thats just me tho.

id also buy cadence amps over jl cause i can get like 3 times the power for the same price(3 z7000s)

and they dont make jl 2000/1 amps, but i would go with 2 12w7s and dont scrimp on the box, it really makes the install.

and on another note, Ice-Ownz, whered you mount those neons under your seats? can u still move them and put the back ones down without crushing the bulbs?
ive heard that the motorized faceplate on those decks wears out and goes for a $hit. but i want one too so if u get one tell me how it works out!

my .02

i mounted 2 neons under the dash (one for each side) and i mounted the other two under the back part of the front driver and passanger seats. i can post some pics if u would like to see how they look and where exactly i put them.
as for the head unit.. im still workin on getting it heh my connection fell through on me :( so now i gotta get it myself

Bonnich, check with another place then because Tweeter which has some seriously high prices quoted me a 1000/1 for 900 bucks.

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ice-ownz, that would be sweet if you could send me those pics or post them! i would really appreciate it, cause my red neons are awaiting my pickup.
if you want to email them to me its bates00711@hotmail.com, or just post them here

