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Joe's new ride

Looks like Joe got a new exploder to destroy:D


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It looks a lot like mine!'s even missing the plastic tupperware that I lost on the Naches Trail.....LOL

What are the plans?



I think he's been looking for a rig that's comfortable enough for his wife to come with him. (and maybe drive to and from trails) :D

I think he's been looking for a rig that's comfortable enough for his wife to come with him. (and maybe drive to and from trails) :D

Phil is correct, I have been debating for some time now if I wanted a enclosed B2, sport or a 4Dr. for taking the wife and family out.
In the end the 4Dr was the choice due to the cargo capacity.

E.B./narrowed D44 front with selectable locker.
locked rear
Warn winch
33"-35" Tires
Sliders, front and rear bumpers
when the A4LD dies 700R4

Sweet plans for the ride :) Does your wife go with you on the trails?

Let me know when you do the 700 swap. I have experience in that. Are you planning on keeping the stock transfer case? If not, the 700 swap can allow for lots of other options.

Sweet plans for the ride :) Does your wife go with you on the trails?

She use to, she would be in the passenger seat doing crouchet,or needle point etc...and those project would take grand champion at the local fair.

Let me know when you do the 700 swap. I have experience in that. Are you planning on keeping the stock transfer case? If not, the 700 swap can allow for lots of other options.

I will keep that in mind Kevin, I am going to start collecting pieces for the swap and see what comes my way. I am thinking of going with 1350 doubler and a electric 1354, rockauto has shift motors for $78

So. . . Which one are you bringing to Moab ? ?

Looks good, just don't know if I'd recognize your rig without the camo paint job. . . :p:


Right now it would be the bronco
Not sure if I would trust the new rigs a4ld
I hate to get down there and have it act up

Flush it and throw a big cooler on it

Find any axles yet?

The front axle I was going to get on 31st looks like it is not going to happen now, so I am back to looking for a good deal on a 44 and a 700R4

Thinking about selling my EB44...

I want a reason to swap dana 60's under my rig, I would sell my axles but they arnt very street friendly if your building more of a dd type rig.

Ben there is a guy on me wheeler wanting to trade his d60/d60 setup for built 44s, Did you get the text message I sent your on Monday?

Pat pm me a price

Guess I better send you a check for the white X? :rolleyes::thumbsup:

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Yeah, I talked to him the other day. He has a few other offers he is looking at but hs sounds intrested... we will see. Thinkin about just getting a set of 60's and building them up the way I want them and swaping them out later. I dont want to have my rig down for very long.

You know Forrest still has two stock EB 44's sitting at his house...
