Key FOB wont work | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Key FOB wont work


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January 5, 2009
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McCalla, Alabama
Year, Model & Trim Level
2012 XLT
2012 Explorer xlt
Battery died in one remote, or at least I thought it did.
Replaced battery and it won't work. No response from vehicle. Key works fine in ignition. Found 2nd key fob and it won't work either. What might be happening?

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Welcome to the Forum and Merry Christmas. :wave:
Is this really your 1st post since joining in 2009?

Do you have anything plugged into the power or USB ports? I've read that sometimes will inhibit remote start but if I understand your issue, none of the fob buttons work.


Welcome to the Forum and Merry Christmas. :wave:
Is this really your 1st post since joining in 2009?

Do you have anything plugged into the power or USB ports? I've read that sometimes will inhibit remote start but if I understand your issue, none of the fob buttons work.

It may be, I've had more than 1 Explorer. I don't have remote start its just the lock/unlock feature that won't work on the fobs.

It may be, I've had more than 1 Explorer. I don't have remote start its just the lock/unlock feature that won't work on the fobs.
Are those the only buttons on the fobs? If there are others, do they work?

Do they work?

Everything was fine and then the one in use died. I pulled the battery and picked up 2 new ones a few days later. After replacing the battery in the first one and finding that it didn't work I checked the 2nd one and found it did not work either. Ots as if something changed on the Explorer.

Not sure what to make of it. You could try a Master Reset or negative battery cab;e disconnect for a few minutes but there is no guarantee that it will help. You will lose some saved memory settings doing either one.
Perhaps another member may have some idea.
Found this thread; 2013 Explorer. All fobs stopped working - SOLVED


Not sure what to make of it. You could try a Master Reset or negative battery cab;e disconnect for a few minutes but there is no guarantee that it will help. You will lose some saved memory settings doing either one.
Perhaps another member may have some idea.

Yeah, I'm stumped too. I wonder if the battery was actually bad in the fob I put a new one in. Something had to have changed on the vehicle itself.
There's nothing in the owners manual that addresses it either.

I added a link to my previous post that you may not have seen. It may not apply in your case.
Good luck.


Use a multi-meter and check the battery voltage.

Well... although it didn't seem to help others going by the other posts I've read, I pulled the negative cable for about 3 minutes, reattached it and both fobs work just fine.
I still don't know what the cause was so I'm still concerned it might happen again.
Otherwise, I thank you guys for your input and not treating me like an idiot. That seems to happen on alot of forums.

Good thing you fixed it. Does the second fob works, too?

Well... although it didn't seem to help others going by the other posts I've read, I pulled the negative cable for about 3 minutes, reattached it and both fobs work just fine.
I still don't know what the cause was so I'm still concerned it might happen again.
Otherwise, I thank you guys for your input and not treating me like an idiot. That seems to happen on alot of forums.
Glad to see that everything is working again. The negative cable disconnect has solved various issues. I believe it sets everything back to the factory default settings. Thanks for the update.👍

