KKM prob | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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KKM prob


Well-Known Member
December 19, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
anchorage, alaska
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 eddie baur
Well i got the kkm system and installed it last night, i originally had the k$n filter without the bottom of the air box and it did pretty darn good but i decided id get something new and good looking.
anyhow i had to im several days ago so in the last three days ive gone from completely stock to k&n w/o bottom and to kkm.
So i decided i should do some 1/4 mile times for each and test it out, well i didnt measure exactly 1/4 mile, i think it might have been a little bit less but i was consistant each time and had my friend time me. But stock my time on my sub 1/4 mile was 17.5 secs

then i switched to the k&n and i let me chip adjust for the day my time with that was 16secs

then last night i reset the computer and drove around for about half an hour with the kkm and my time was 17secs.

Plus the with the kkm last night it felt like one if got past 3500 rpms it was loud as hell but no acceleration. Im wondering how long does it take for my computer and chip to learn this new set up?? it has gotten better since the very first minutes with it on, but still not quite there. any idea??

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well, you need to reset your computer (maybe you didnt do it correctly - i dont mean to insult your intelligence, but a lot of people mess up this step.) basically, disconnect your negative battery cable for about a half hour, then reconnect it and just let your truck idle for like 5 minutes, DO NOT REV IT UP DURING THIS 5 MINUTES. you should be golden.

Sounds like you are timing with a stop watch. I tried that with my old race car and never came close to what the actual 1/4 mile times were at the track. To many variables.

Sounds like you are timing with a stop watch. I tried that with my old race car and never came close to what the actual 1/4 mile times were at the track. To many variables.:

thats very true but i did do it at least consistant each time not to see the actual time but the differences in time. WEll i did reset the computer originally and did all that fine, it just took a little longer than in the past, ive put in chips and modified things that require reseting many times its just never taken that long for the truck to adapt before, oh well all is good now!! its back to normal!!

NOW-- today ive almost finished desinging my ram air design!!! Im gonna have the benefit of ram air and an open filiment in one!! i just need to make one more connection and its all done!! i have an intake tube collecting from the grille and i dremeled out a small section then followed the space the original tube was in and its going up to the kkm (actually s&b) filter, its going to seal over the hollow section on the filter,

so ill have ram air going into that portion of the filter then also the open element for low speed. Its gonna rock!! The one thing i dont do is water crossings so i wont have to worry much! Ill be putting the photos up when its all done if anyone wants me to??

glad your truck is back to normal. id like to see some pics of your cold air intake setup. in about a a week, im taking off of a work for a whole week before i go back to school - cold air intake setup is one thing id like to do during that week.

Ram Air

WEll i should have the ram air done in a couple days,
im not sure it will be cold air induction but it will definetly be getting cooler air than what the engine compartment provides!! Ill be taking pictures shortly! to give a preveiw so far my set up includes insulated dryer exaust tube, an angled connecter for rain gutter down spout to catch the air at the grill, and a funnel mouted to the hole on the filter opening to condence the air.

HOpefully the funnel will make it somewhat cooler air, but again with an open element filter like kkm any air is better than the inside air!!


well i got my semi ram air installed! i test it out a little, but i need to reset the computer again, but i think itll do good, i started the truck up and put my hand over the new intake in the grill and there was some good suction, then when i pressed the throttle cable i could hear the kkm growling through the tube and it sounded pretty neat! Ill update and let you all know how i think it feels after some test runs.

(the intake in the grill is radiater hose--
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some tough exaust tube then runs from the radiator hose in the grill straight back to the filter
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and then the connection to the filter
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hope you all like!! I like this set up opposed to having the whole filter hooked up to the ram air, so that i get the benefit of low restriction at low speed and some ram air on the high way, and also it will just get some cooler air!
