KOH Feb. 1-9 who is going? | Page 8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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KOH Feb. 1-9 who is going?

..I just received these two shots from the Official Aerial Photographer of the King of The Hammers, for the "Hammertown"...:biggthump

..His Name is Will Wissman and a special thanks goes out to him for sharing these two photo's with us for comparison shots of how much it has grown..:salute:

..This shot is from 2009..


...and this shot was from Thurs., Feb. 7th 2013 of this years race..


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very cool shots. Did you find yourself yet?

..:scratch:..Judging from the bottom picture, it appears to be taken with the trucks lined up at the start of the "Smittybilt Everyman's Challenge" race on that day..

...My truck would have been within 100 yards of the start line in the center of Hammertown...(right of two large white tents)

..When I did get to rest I was hanging out with the Colorado Crew from Battlement Fabrication...Our campsite this year could be seen just above the word "photography" in that picture and we would be far left of the "Wagontrain" circle shown..

..If you continued from the white tents of downtown Hammertown, straight out past the wagontrain circle campsite you would have found me perched on top of a huge rock that day on "Jackhammer" trail..


...The little hill to the right of the picture (3 o'clock) and just behind/above it in the open area is where we were for the days prior to this shot filming the LCQ as that was the LCQ course..

..What you can't see from this picture (as it looks relatively flat and tame and is used for camping) is the hundreds of miles of desert and rock trails (from 1 o'clock to7 o'clock for orientation) that this race took place on..

I tried the link but it did not work.

..Try it again as I had an issue with it so it won't embed..It will now take you to the youtube page to watch the video..

I just went to you tube and typed in 2013 king of the hammers vindication, which brought up the video.
