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KOH Feb. 1-9 who is going?



Hammer's Roll during his LCQ run









Robby gordon's TTB buggy qualifying


Scherer with the fastest qualifying time


Campbell Qualifying


Sun setting on Power Hour Day2


BJ Baldwin


Everyman Challenge Race


Battlement Fab Bronco race mile 45


I still have more pictures to go through and videos to edit...

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During the race I made it from the start line during staging to RM5 then to RM44 then to RM49 then back to Hammertown to drop off a video guy. We then went through the remote pit 2 and rockcrawled around and finally found the top of Spooners Canyon where we caught 3rd-6th place come through the canyon. We heard on the radio that Slawson was about 30 miles out so we hiked out and drove back through remote pit and around the corner to Boulderdash to see Randy and Shannon come through. From there we headed back into Hammertown. It was a busy race day!

I got a few video clips in Spooners that I put together in this video:


..This is a first...One of the contestants got a shot of me during the race..:eek:


..I always worry someones going to get a pic of me picking my nose or worse..:D

This is my viewpoint of Hammertown and up and down the canyon from my perch on top of the big rock on Jackhammer during the Smittybilt Everyman Challenge EMC


..Definitely a must read and keep a kleenex handy..:salute:

The Cancer Guy #55


..If you get past that and can see straight, here are some great pics of KOH..

...And for those who think the night time is boring for those who are not involved in the race...Here are some pics of only one of the many spots to watch the "Night Crawlers"


That's a really cool GIF :chug:

..The only thing missing from that video was this..:p:


..And right back atcha..:mattmoon:

..Looking down at you guys about the same time..


..This pic was shot during Happy Hour one day of the LCQ and I call it "A Desert Stroll", as this was shot with my zoom while you guys were about halfway down from the rock section heading over to the trucks before Harry headed up the hill to the big inverted "U" dusty section on his own..


...A little Celeb info to add concerning this year and next year...:popcorn:

..Bruce Jenner gave a quick interview at KOH as he was here to watch his son who is a competitor in the UTV race...

..Ricky Johnson was also at KOH this year and mentioned he would like to come back next year with a rig to run the race...

..:shifty_ey ..Rumor has it he brought it back up again when he drove the 900 hp Red Bull Truck at Mt Snow in Southern Vermont yesterday...

Sit back and watch what can be done with a 900-horsepower truck and champion off-road racer Ricky Johnson as he takes his Pro-4 truck to the limits on the powder filled ski trails of Southern Vermont. Ricky faced an onslaught of new challenges when entering the uphill frozen playground but ultimately was able to destroy the perception that off-road racing trucks can’t succeed on the snow.

..I had chatted with these guys on the CB during the drive home and was hoping they would have chimed in by now..

Temper-Mental Racing from Upland...


..And this just in..


..A couple videos have just come out...

...A preview to the full length movie as they are currently working on it...

..And for you Side By Side fans, this ones for you...:D

...And some extremely raw footage of the beginning of the SmittyBilt Everyman challenge...


Sorry it took me so long to post up. Last week was hectic and the highlight was pulling a tendon in my right hand, so I wasn't really focused on much else. (typing with this brace on sucks also)

I had a great time again this year and look forward to attending again next year (someone needs to hook me up with a media pass though ;) ) It was good to see Ted and Brian again, sorry I missed dinner, we were working on the Bronco and lost track of time.
Here's my pics from the week: http://public.fotki.com/mrboyle/explorer_4x4_trips/koh-13/

..Glad you made it home alright and sorry to hear about the hand...

...Me and the guys at camp were talking the day you left and they were surprised to hear I stayed at camp two nights that no one even saw me...Got in Midnight one night and 2am the next from going over media stuff then leaving at 5 and 6 am to eat quickly before the morning meetings..

...Actually, there was no dinner this year as we had to work and go to meetings unlike he previous years..With mandatory meetings at 7 in the morning, 7 at night, 6 am on race days and when every they thought they needed another one..:(

..Unlike the previous years when we got to run around, take in and enjoy everything, this year turned into work...I didn't even get to browse what items were for sale...This was definitely the most non stop paced KOH yet and I should have guessed that when I get there early and the whole town is set up, the jumbotron is working, and all the vendors are set up..

..In fact, with USAC joined in this year it started to resemble NASCAR in the behind the scenes...

..I would not be surprised if next year they only let major accredited affiliates in to cover the race...

..Wait, did I mentioned the Marine Base did their R.O.D. (Record of Decision) a few days after the race??...There may not be a KOH race held at the Hammers next year...:popcorn:

Marines release Record of Decision on Johnson Valley

The Marine Corps has cleared a final hurdle in its plan to expand the premier desert warfare training center at Twentynine Palms, Calif., a senior officer said.

They claim that, but they still haven't fulfilled the requirements layed out under the Bartlet ammendment, nor has the issue even been put on the docket for congress to review. We still may have a chance.

..This is a first...One of the contestants got a shot of me during the race..:eek:


"I bring you these FIFTEEN, whoops, ****!, TEN! TEN Commandments. . ."

I'll apologize in advance for the non-ultra-orthodox pagens in the audience. . .

'91 Sport

P.S. Mike - Heal Quick! Can commiserate, ruptured my bicep tendon last week and had to have it reattached at the elbow...

...I hope both of you one arm bandits are only using your good hands to type..:p:

..That is actually now my new desktop background for my netbook...:biggthump

...And I had to post this so that others who might have missed the meaning of your comment can share the same big laugh as I did when I read your post Paul...:popcorn:

I also think of ol' Ironhead Haynes when I see that picture too..

..I am also going to work on the Save Johnson Valley thread and try to get some more discussion and involvement from our members here..;)

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