Kyle's 4406 T-Case swap! | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Kyle's 4406 T-Case swap!

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standard thread, 1/2", 13 thread pitch (aka corse thread 1/2" bolt)

Anyone else hate their truck with a passion?:rant: Cause I do I'm about - - that close to selling this thing. One thing after another and it barely has 90,000. I did that weal bearing and it seamed a little better for one day that is the little grumble through the floor. Now today only three days and fifty miles later this F--------g thing is worse than ever and don't even dare to take it on the freeway after today. Check the whole front end and guess what it all is good no play or anything. Not even sure if its worth my time anymore. Anyone want to buy a 98 XLT very nice condition with 90,000? Hit me up i'll take offers!
Sorry had to vent---

what is it doing? grumble through the floor?
check all your work! driveshafts still tight? T case full of fluid?

Everything is tight and the truck looks fully clear of the body of the truck. The front shaft isn't in yet cause I have the linkage to do and the rear is tight fluids are all full and both half shafts are new within 5,000miles. Just replaced the drivers wheel bearing and so I'm at a loss and very frustrated since that bearing was $200

I turned right to get onto the freeway on the way home and it chattered a little and then vibrated down the freeway (4miles) and now I'm home.

If I put the truck on the ground and shake the truck from the fender side to side, I can hear it clunk. Clunk, clunk clunk, I now am going to find a neighbor to shake it while I climb under it to look and see what I can find.

Not sure how the sway bar links are set up but that is whats clunking on my truck the left sway bar link. I can turn the nut on the bottom and it spins but the shaft does not. The bolt end on the top does. Looks like there is a bolt that goes through the hollow center section? Either way I can put a wrench on the top and a socket on the bottom and everything I have and its tight as the threads will allow, but the rubber isn't even squished. So looks like a few more parts to put in the truck. Least these ones are cheap. Wonder if that is part of why is has few for quite a while that I can feel the road through the truck more than I think I should? Will see i guess, and BTW sorry about the #63 post. Sometimes it feels like everything hits at once, was frustrated. Sorry I do love this truck that's why the effort is made just want it to work right now that's all I ask, sure everyone has felt like that at times! Anyways thanks for the help guys!!! :) Much appreciated

weve all been there haha. those links are known for going out. factory design sucked. you can try to tighten the nut (afterall, its just a bolt in a sleeve), but they tend to be rust welded on. had to sawsall mine off lol. how do the cv shafts look? axle nut tightened with the vehicle on the ground to the correct torque? if none of the pinon seals are leaking nor any of the above, then i would vote shot/bottomed out transmission mount.

CV's still look good and feel good, they only have 5,000 miles on them was one of the firsts I tried when getting rid of the vibration. No pinion seals or anything leaking. From what it looks like the tranny mount still looks halfway decent but who knows I guess. Will do those links first and see what happens the left one is the one that wont tighten and kinda moves around on the A-Arm side of the link. And the axles are torqued right yes. Anyplace most people get those links? explorerexpress?

The stock links work great in the lower states, no really cold temps. They break up North. Get Energy Suspension links, the cheaper kits are available at many parts stores. ES also has smaller bushing kits, what the parts stores carry. do those in a pinch. The larger type usually have to be ordered.

Sounds good it does see Salt Lake which is staying just above freezing right now and getting colder I have some energy suspension stuff on my Trans Am and have liked it, on the rear end and I drag that car and they have held up great.

Yes, mine was 34mm. Measure the link length, that usually is different from the big ES kits. I bought a kit to get the 34mm frame bushings, but the end links were too long. You can buy those separately to get the right lengths. Night,

Update from yesterday. So I took my truck in last week and had a screw in the tire fixed. Hadn't been on the freeway until yesterday. Took it in today to have the balance checked and it was pretty far off and so thats where I was getting the wheel hop and vibration and the bad sway bar links rattling around while the tire is going crazy was my problem. Had both fronts balanced and is SO much better. Ordered the end links and bushings so that should fix my problems!! Thanks again fellas :) Happy again

K the swap is all done will do wires for the dash lights next week! But all mechanical things are done and working great, I now have four wheel drive again :) :) :D Here are some clearance pics for you.
Front part for shaft with the pinion

The shaft to the tranny shift linkage on the side of the trans

The shaft to the cross member

The T-Case shift linkage to trans and to the body

Also remember I had a 2" diam shaft made for me I didn't use the fronts shafts off of other trucks so my diam is a little bigger than those ones are.

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And here are the finish inside pics as well as the shaft to the t case one.

T-Case to shaft

It turned out great!!!! I used the boot that came off of the f-150 I got the top section of the linkage from. Also used the rubber that was under the boot for the weather seal those pics are on my phone. I will post them if anyone wants to see the hole I cut, the rubber boot stripped off the medal that it came on, and the shifter what it looks like under the carpet and boot, if anyone wants to see them my hole is a lot smaller than some of the pics that i have seen of others. It took a while and is fully sealed looks great and ZERO binding at all. The linkage works fantastic and slides right in every time to every spot. No clunks or anything is perfect! :) Way happy with this set up.
Side view of it!

Drivers View

And last a close up. Only thing with the boot is that second pleat likes to dent in because that's how it sat in the rolled truck I got it out of. It shows in the side view of the boot. I will heat it up and change the rubber memory to have it stay out.
