MAC cat-back: good or bad? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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MAC cat-back: good or bad?


Well-Known Member
October 21, 2004
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Hudson, OH
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2005 XLT Sport
does anyone have any experience with the MAC cat-back for the 3rd gen? here's a link to a site that has it for sale, its at the very bottom:MAC cat-back

EDIT: if i were to choose between the gibson and MAC, which should i get as far as best overall performance?

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MAC products are $hit. They will be covered in rust w/in one year. don't buy any exhaust that isnt stainless steel. id go w/ the stainless gibson.

Wht Knight said:
MAC products are $hit. They will be covered in rust w/in one year. don't buy any exhaust that isnt stainless steel. id go w/ the stainless gibson.

alright, will do. thanks for te heads up.

Wht Knight said:
MAC products are $hit. They will be covered in rust w/in one year. don't buy any exhaust that isnt stainless steel. id go w/ the stainless gibson.

alright, will do. thanks for the heads up.

Wht Knight said:
MAC products are $hit. They will be covered in rust w/in one year. don't buy any exhaust that isnt stainless steel. id go w/ the stainless gibson.

alright, will do. thanks for the heads up.

I have dealt with mac on several occasions and had good luck with them. I currently have thier cat back system. no probs

jah81592 said:
I have dealt with mac on several occasions and had good luck with them. I currently have thier cat back system. no probs

since im up north im going with the stainless steel gibson. i dont want the salt to eat through the aluminized steel.

MAC is now getting into stainless on thier Mustang line 05 and newer they've always offered a stainless muffler with a lifetime warranty. Alot of people talk up Flowmaster(crapmaster)but they are only aluminized mild steel as well. Magnaflow offers a stainless system as well!

i ended up going with a stainless steel JBA exhaust which uses a magnaflow muffler. it sounds great and looks awesome. the reason i went JBA instead of the actual magnaflow kit is because the appearance of the exhaust tip was more appealing to me.

I wish they would make a 3" cat back if you ask me the 2.5 is worthless on a v8 application.

If your just going for sound ID just have the muffler replaced.

I have a appointment this saturday to have a 3" cat back fabbed up will let every one know how it looks and performs

yea, i guess its a waste. but the performance and sound gains are nice when coupled with an exhaust. stock for piping wont last more than 3 years on the explorers. so its more than worth it to replace it all with SS piping. if you replace just the muffler chances are that its going to rust out after a few years. at least thats whats happened to several 3rd gen guys in my area.

pimp03explorer said:
y stock for piping wont last more than 3 years on the explorers..
I had stock piping for 10 years......and i lived in Up-State NY....haha it looked and sounded like crap though

My exhaust looks good on my 02,its now 06 so i think that is a little longer than 3 years???

look into a custom exhaust, i had the gibson, but ended up not being happy with it. I now have a flowmaster and love it, much better tone.
