MAF / K&N Filter Question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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MAF / K&N Filter Question


April 7, 2004
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97 Explorer Sport 4x4
I recently started having trouble with my 97 Mercury Mountaineer. Under accelleration it starts to shudder and bog and looses power. I thought it was a tranny problem and that the tranny was going from my wife's towing a horse trailer, but then I remembered that I recently (i.e. about 2-3 weeks ago) cleaned and reoiled the K&N air filter. I remember reading somewhere that the oil can get on the MAF and mess things up and was wondering if anyone who has had that problem can explain what it feels like.

Also, if someone could direct me to the threads or let me know how to clean the MAF, I would appreciate it. I could not find them, but I know that they are around here someplace (tried search) Is it just q-tips and brake cleaner?

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:thumbsup: I would definitely try your MAF sensor. Go to "list of usefull threads" pg 5 is a MAF cleaning thread. Good luck man!

i had a similar problem with my k&n filter but it wasn't because i oiled it a peice of the rubber material broke off the inside of the filter and became lodged in the maf removed the peice which was about 1/8" in size and ran like new

Thanks all. I cleaned the MAF today and no joy. I will check to see if perhaps a piece of the filter broke off as someone suggested, but I doubt it. It's fairly new. There are no codes.

Unless anyone has any other ideas, I'll probably take it into the dealership to have it diagnosed. It would suck if it was the tranny because that's going to be expensive.

Again, it idles fine, but under accelleration or going up a hill it feels like a manual transmission that needs a new clutch (i.e., engine runs okay but feels like something slips and power does not get to rear (or all in this case since its an AWD) wheel.

Old thread I know but I had a similar problem in a different vehicle and it turned out to be a clogged exhuast due to the cad. converter. Couldn't figure that one out for the longest time. Everything seemed to be running well but I had no power in acceleration and slowly my top end disappeared. Maybe this will help someone.
