Photos - Moab 2021 - EF's 25th anniversary | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Photos Moab 2021 - EF's 25th anniversary

Which weekend for Moab 2021?

  • May 1-2

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • May 8-9

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • May 15-16

    Votes: 8 66.7%
  • May 22-23

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • May 29-30

    Votes: 3 25.0%

  • Total voters


Pumpkin Pilot
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Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
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Wayoutin, Aridzona
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'93 XL '20 ST
Let's pick a date for the Moab. 2021 run. I'm going to put every weekend in May 2021 in the poll.

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I just checked availability at Canyonlands. Get a load of this!

Rates From $57,409.95 USD

I doubt anybody is going to be able to make reservations until much later this year.

May 15-16 has been ahead since I started the poll. Shall I put a nail in it and call the event for that date? I think weather wise it's a good choice. KOA has reservations available for that date as well.

I made reservations for the weekend of May 15-16. Arriving Thursday and Leaving Tuesday. I made the reservations at the KOA.

486 for 7 nights at Canyonlands, but can't make reservation more 250 days out.

486 for 7 nights at Canyonlands, but can't make reservation more 250 days out.

Did you happen to see prices like this on their site? Rates From $57,409.95 USD

Did you happen to see prices like this on their site? Rates From $57,409.95 USD
No maybe when you put your dates in you used may of 2020 in and out may 2021

$57K rent for a year, that's pretty steep.......only $4753 a month for a camp spot
Dang I'm in the wrong business....again
I would LOVE to make this trip...we shall see what happens in the next 6 months or so with work and life and such
15 hour drive! Oh brother I used to be 6 hours away :(

No maybe when you put your dates in you used may of 2020 in and out may 2021

LOL, no it was for less than a week. My thought was that it was their way of saying you can't make reservations yet.

well you could.....but for a price :) Little tip included

Penciled in for this trip for now. It's a ways out still, and anything can happen between now and then.

I will make reservations soon, to make sure we can get some, before all the 2020 canceled out folk grab everything. Just need to decide which campground is best for the tent trailer, with room for the rig. Recommendations from those, that have stayed at more than one place is appreciated. :)

I have only ever stayed at Canyonlands for a campground. I know the tent side won't work, and the RV side spots look narrow for an awning. Not sure if one of the other places (like KOA) are better suited or not. Would need 30amp and water hookups. Rather have a wide campsite, than a long narrow site, if that make sense.

I have only stayed at Canyonlands. I though it was very cramped and hard to get in and out of with a RV. That was with my 31' coach with one slide and now I have a 35.5' coach with two slides. I might be making reservations at KOA within a few days, but would like to stay up there for a week because its a 12-14 hour drive.

I'm probably in, I'll have 5 weeks of vacation time right now, and it just keeps piling up..

Also can visit my niece who works/lives in Moab.

Avoid at all costs Slickrock. They have power and water pressure problems, and small tight spaces. They really need to renovate that place..

Oh wow, they are under new ownership (the same as Canyonlands Campground), and are remodeling. Hopefully, they will fix the power the and water issues.

I stayed at Canyonlands twice 4 years ago. I thought it was great, and would totally stay there again. I could see it being a problem with a larger motorhome however. But love the shade trees.

I'm a maybe

Do we have a date set in stone yet?

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Do we have a date set in stone yet?
May 15-16, but most everyone will be showing up days ahead.

I show 5 days (or more) earlier than the weekend slated, and depart on the last day of the actual meet date.
