(June 28th)
Well I got the Badly Rusted Area Cut Out.
This Firewall was a real Pain to work with, There is an Aluminum Support Mount on the other side, The Dash Pad also made it difficult, And worst of all the Fire wall is only 32 Gauge (0.0097") Like welding to damn Tin Foil...
Very Difficult to weld to with my Welder... Had to do it Very Cold and Very Slow. Pretty much if you even touched it, it would blow through.
There was two Patches stuck in (Because I'm Replacing two Levels of steel)
Here is the First Patch Welded in.
Then here is the Top Patch Welded in.
To do this it took about 8 hours of welding... I have never welded something so thin...
Then all the welds were Ground smooth.
And the Mounting plate was welded back on.
There should be no sign of this Work when I'm done.
Then I moved onto the Holes in the Pillars Put there to have the Pillar Light.
Here is the Patch cut out to fill the Hole.
This was difficult do to the windshield being less then a inch away from the Patch. So this also had to be a very cold Weld.
Then the Hole on the Driver Floor pan was Cut out, Patch Cut for it, And the New patch welded in.
Then Started on Stripping the Fenders.
Here is the Bondo Work that was done to the Driver Side Fender,( Not to bad of damage, Looks like he hit a Garbage Can or something.) There is also Bondo In the Driver side Rocker Panel (I hope there is none in the Door)
Here is the Fully Stripped Driver Side Fender.
And here is the Fully Stripped Passenger side Fender.
And here is were I am on the Hood.