roccov12345's 98 Mounty Restoration Thread. | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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roccov12345's 98 Mounty Restoration Thread.

Looks fantastic and looks familiar :)

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Looks very nice.

Wow! :cool: I shouldn't be watching this. Makes me want to spend money on my own junk! :p:

Ok, little by little......Last weekend.....

Passenger Fender is all done, front bumper is next.



Finally starting to get an idea of what it's going to look like.....

Front fender wet sanded and buffed...

Retouched up the rear

i love the stance!

Ok moving along..........All I needed was a few of these and a good nights rest and I'm ready to go...

Shaved the holes for the front bumper license plate bracket.



Wet sanding and fitting process...

Onto the hood.....this was a ball, it's deceiving when you realize how big that damn hood is. LOL



Onto the first door, woo hoo


Getting there.....


I didn't like the quarter inch gap that Ford usually produces the truck with so I tried tighten them up a bit. Hopefully I won't run into problems with the doors.....

Ok back to work...............

Just one helpful hint. Put the doors on before the front fenders. the bolts are a ton easier to access.

Overall that thing looks great! I hope to purchase my dads 99 5.0 mountaineer from him someday and give it a similar restoration. I will have some rust repair do deal with though.

Wow, just stumbled across this thread. Looking good.

Really nice work. No shortcuts that I can see. I can't wait to see your updates.

wow that mountaineer is turning out so nice, its gonna be one of the cleanest out there when its done. The engine looks great, what did you do to that little plate that bolts to the top of the intake manifold? I really like the black bumper trim in the back, i just think it looks a little out of place compared to the front being so monotone. same with the headlights. still tho, you are doing some great work! keep it up.

Very nice work, I appreciate how time consuming that is. Take your time and make it right, it looks great. Regards,

Ok, first I've seen this thread, since it appears to have been awoken... Are there any more pics of the end processes? This thing looks amazing... :thumbsup:

Agreed. I want to see progress. :D

Awesome pics....This is the first I've seen of this thread too..


he's my friend on myspace- maybe i'll check that out

Your PM box is full Rocco--

and we need updates to this. Hibernation is no excuse--:p:

Alright Alright, free'd up some of my PM box, I would call myself a dousche (sp?) like I did last year for abandoning my thread but no sense in pwning myself.

Ok, started off 2008 with a bang, last weekend I was able to paint the center radio bezel, refabric the arm rest, air bag, and glove compartment as well as paint a few of the dashboard parts black to go with the black accent theme. I'll post some pics ASAP.

I was also under the car trying to figure out a good exhaust synopsis, Any idea's? Come on something different. Right now my cats are gutted, and I have no mufflers. :eek: I'm thinking about keeping the gutted cats, keeping it true dual, two muffs although I'm looking for a good exit with something different.....

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Exhaust, move the rear hard brake line, the diff vent line, and two aluminum emission lines. They are in the path that a left tailpipe would run best there. The brake line is the hard one, not the line as much as the solid bracket. If you can get those shifted some, a left tailpipe would be easy.
