My 2nd gen. Half doors | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My 2nd gen. Half doors

Looks good! Looks like this thread is a little old, you get them on? I mean, you had allll summer ;)

ive got one with the metal work pretty much done. its alot of grinding to get the seams to a bondo point... :rolleyes: i wanted to have them for the truckhaven run this year but its pretty doubtful. i have a month till i go back to school so im hoping to get at least all the welding done by then. hopefully...:dunno: these will probably end up going up for sale once i get around to becoming elite

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Any updates on the doors?

I haven't worked on these lately. Ill be getting some work done on them when I go home next, which im not sure when that'll be... probably around thanksgiving..

so dude thats badass!

Any Idea of weight difference, between a full door and the new modified one. Also Can you weigh one of these now and your good door when you pull it.

Any Idea of weight difference, between a full door and the new modified one. Also Can you weigh one of these now and your good door when you pull it.

I can sure do that :thumbsup: it might be a little while but it will happen. I really need to start getting back to work on these anyways..its just that I don't get home very much..

..and these will probably be sold after I finish the metal work and bondo and shoot some primer. They will be ready for the new owner to paint whatever color they want. Or I can just do the metal work and you do your own bondo/paint however you choose :)


Bump....done yet? :rolleyes: and what are you going to want for these?:D

LOL. I should be getting a new welder pretty soon and once I do I will be getting a lot done on these. Just kinda waiting for a little more funds and christmas :rolleyes: should see some good updates within the month tho

Christmas has come and gone....:scratch:

well got my welder and everything set up and got some work done on them. i should be getting a lot more done tomorrow. ill post some pics up then

well got my welder and everything set up and got some work done on them. i should be getting a lot more done tomorrow. ill post some pics up then

throw a bathroom scale under one please too:thumbsup:


I got started on the second door today and got most of it done. the outside seam on the door is done and it just needs some finish grinding on the inside and maybe a few touch-ups. The other one is just as I left it before. This one came out a lot better....

EDIT: oh and I need to do the caps on the openings above the mirrors.







And here is the weight of the one I worked on today as it is now with nothing in it. I don't know what they weighed before.... probably a


I got started on the second door today and got most of it done. the

And here is the weight of the one I worked on today as it is now with nothing in it. I don't know what they weighed before.... probably a

Cool! I was told they are 75-85lbs to start. The Fiberglass doors I have are 22.5 lbs each ;)

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fiberglass???? where did you get those? I'm hoping these are at a good weight and not too heavy?
