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my 94 explorer project(pics)


Well-Known Member
September 8, 2011
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City, State
raleigh, nc
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 ford explorer sport
I have a 94 explorer sport 4x4 im waiting to do a straight trans swap this weekend some in the meantime I've been doing some work to make it look a little better (I cant really take pics while im doing the work as you can see im not in a garage so some days im pressed for daylight) give me some feed back

its stock the day I brought it for $450

thrust glasspack bolted on for now I'm going to get it welded but I want to get new pipes first

changed the colors of my gauges still in the process on finishing the speedo but looks good so far


blacked out tail lights I did the third brake light today

blacked out corner light but need to be touched up and as you see I started to paint the truck I did the front panel just as a trial run I like it but Ima try different paint and suggestions on that?


the inside on the trunk hatch I have to do a second coat of the black as you can see

door panels I really like how these turned out

I think im going to reverse the colors on this since the main color is going to be black

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Looking good dude!, that pic looks familiar Did you get your truck off of craigs list?

thanks man and yea I got it from a lady out in cary nc

yea i saw it up for sale lol, got that trans installed yet?

not yet im going to pick it up the weekend... have you been to that u-pull I was telling you about

Next time, take stuff apart before you try to paint them. The corner lights are easy to take out, and would look much better tinted if you took them apart first.

Nah i havnt had the cash,

Next time, take stuff apart before you try to paint them. The corner lights are easy to take out, and would look much better tinted if you took them apart first.

yea I was trying to take that off it just wouldnt come out, from my understanding there are two screws at the top and take out the bulbs and it should slide right out. It didnt work out that way and i didnt see anything else that should have been holding it so i taped off the head lights and painted it. As far as the panel im going to be sanding that black off to try a different paint

there are 2 screws, and a couple clips that hold the black trim on around the headlight, and after you remove that trim there are 4 8mm bolts that you have to remove to get the headlight assembly out in 1 piece

there are 2 screws, and a couple clips that hold the black trim on around the headlight, and after you remove that trim there are 4 8mm bolts that you have to remove to get the headlight assembly out in 1 piece

thanks im try that tomorrow

dont be afraid to pulll on it after you take the 2 screws out, just make sure not to loose the clips

Looks different.... and I like different. What paint did you use for the gauges?

it's a red sharpie
I peeled off the gauge face is held by some type of glue, it comes off easily that's a pic on where it separates (mine is glued back together but that where you separate it)

Then with that off I scraped off the green tint on the back the a blade I heard you can use nail polish remover but my didnt come off with that so I lightly scraped off the green till it was clear (hold it to a light and you can see if it's clear or not) and just color it in with any color I colored the front to cause the red looked pink with just the back.....that's the back painted on mine


then I just stick it back on and used the old glue it stayed im pretty sure you can use stick glue or just super glue the corners

going to pick up my trans tomorrow hopefullyall goes well and ill have it done by saturday depending on the weather

so some updates
so I did some early xmas shopping and got my trans it rained on my today but I got it

here some more of the painting of the truck it's coming out nice



and one last thing.. so I'm putting my cluster back together and I'm have trouble (I didn't take it apart my uncle did and I don't know what went to what...I hate working behind someone else) but I'm stuck on the gear selector I don't know how this thing went but this is what I have so far is it right or wrong and whats missing?


?? anyone

i hope you got some normal tail lights and signals Cuz that wont pass inspection...

yea I picked some up signals when I went and got my trans... did they say something about your tail lights? I blackout mine on my last ex they didnt say anthing

my buddy used to work at a inspection station... It depends on who you go to

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yea I go to a place called CAC Choice Auto Care
