My X was keyed today | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My X was keyed today

Yes, it's said but true. My 2002 X was keyed today. Happened while my wife, son and I were eating at a McDonalds. I am frick'n pissed!!! The ******* who did this better thank God that I did not see/catch him doing it!! Anyway, I know nothing about getting paint/bodywork done (have never owned a new car before) and thought I'd ask you guys for your opinion; What should I expect to pay to get this damage repaired? The scratch is approx 24" long on left rear quarterpanel. I know that rates will vary depending on where you live, but some type of dollar amount (estimate) will prepare me better when I set out on getting estimates this weekend. Thanks for your help.

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I am really sorry to hear that man, someone keyed mine also... awhile ago though.... Just freaks me out someone would go after my car for no aparent reason almost makes me feel like not even fixing it up anymore becayse I am scared it would stand out too much with more modifications. Again I am sorry to hear about you getting keyed, I havent had mine repaired yet because I am too scared to even get an estimate on the paint job, but im sure it would cost an arm and a leg.

down here it doesnt take alot of money to get them fixed when i had my eclipse (not a ricer almost more american than most mustangs) i almost got a full body fix with a white paint job and a blue pearl (which changes colors) for a little over 1000 i think 1100 but then some ***** slammed into me while i was stopped in rush hour

and im sorry to hear about that mine almost got keyed but i slammed my door which is STEEL into their new dodge which is aluminium and i put a dent about as big as my knuckle in their door frame he thought twice about keying a car after that

Rscotts1 that totally sucks.... sorry to hear about that.... a "factory approved" repair like that depends on how deep it is..... but having the door blended in also isnt going to be cheap....

I feel you.

When I had my F-150. I was walking out of the local Best Buy with a buddy and the wind was very high speed (like 25mph, NOT GUSTS). We watched as this guy in a Chevy Z-71 allowed his door to SLAM into mine five times. He was sitting in the truck and I noticed the dent that resembled someone taking a ball peen hammer to it. I asked him why he did that. He said he didn't realize he did it (bullshit, we watched him). So I went to his rear quarterpanel, when noone else in the parking lot was around and slammed my foot into it three times, looked at him, and got in my truck. I felt bad thinking of what to do. But I didn't take enjoyment as much as he did. Long story short, his dent was the size of a football and creased. I was able to get the door skin off and leave a typical "shopping cart" ding. That was the only time in my life where I deliberately destroyed someone's property.

I have never understood the concept of keying someones car. It had to have been jealousy. It is just stupid and does not make sense.


Make a claim on your insurance. You have a 2002. I would not take any short cuts. I would have all scratched pannels painted.

My X keyed

Thanks for all of the replies. Out of curiosity I stopped by a local body and paint repair shop on the way home, (a very reputable one), to get an estimate. WOW!!! $755.00 for the repair!! Did not realize it would be that much. Turns out that the entire rear quarter panel as well as the rear left door would need to be repainted. The guy explained that it would be hard to just fix the keyed area and that the entire finished job would look that much better. Made sense to me. When I get home I dig out thee olde insurance policy and give them a call. I was in for a very pleasant surprise. My deductable for the comprehensive part would only be $150.00 (I can live with that). The whole phone call with the insurance agent took no more than 30 minutes. She took all of the info from the estimate over the phone and told me that a check in the amount of $605.00 would get to me in 7 to 10 days. Glad I went the insurance route.....was thinking that I would just pay for the repair out of my pocket (not realizing how much it would really cost). I am very pleased with the outcome...........still wish I would have seen the f****r who did it though. Thanks again for your input guys:D

Got the damage painted...

Well, finally got the scratch taken care of. Turns out that a friend of my wife's Aunt paints cars on the side. Checked out some his work and was really impressed. Even better, it only cost me $100.00!! Now, I am definately getting my bumpers and wheel trim painted this December.



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...and after:


  • scratch7.jpg
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i tried getting my xls bumpers painted. you can't do it because of the texture to the bumper it will just chip off. you have to order the limited bumpers/flares, which i am doing in a month or two

You CAN get the XLS bumpers painted! In fact I have seen a few in different mags. Ordering the XLT bumper/flares is an idea as well.

Where are you gonna buy your fender flares at Timmy?
Here is the bumper we want:


  • xlt bumper.jpg
    xlt bumper.jpg
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i actually got the limited bumpers priced at $800 for both, with the fog holes unpainted. flares were like $100 for each one i think. something around there. i forget exactly, but i think i am gonna save up for them and keep them since i am saving for rims & chameleon paint anyways

i'm juss gonna not take any chances with the xls bumpers chipping. and plus i like the front limited/xlt bumpers better than the xls

oh by the way where did ya find that bumper at:? and how much was it? and what mags did you read this in, i would like know ?? because that is interesting that the dealer said (even though they are idiots most of the time) that the textured bumper cannot be painted. and i would have to order all the bumpers/flares from the limited, maybe thats why they only charged me $140 to paint all 6 pieces the color of my current car, lol.

I do not recall what mags I saw them in, but the bumpers needed to be sanded smooth before painting. Alot of work. I agree, the XLT/Limited bumpers look alot better, but hard to come by.

that is indeed A LOT of work of making it smooth since it is a plastic type material , have u ever pressed in hard on it? and not to make myself look like an idiot but yes, you can cut through it easily ( i tried cutting out fog holes ... not good i'm ordering front xlt bumper soon )

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oh, it lists it as a "BUMPER COVER" it isn't one of them ugly black bumper covers is it? it's the actual bumper, correct?
