Need help with fog lights | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need help with fog lights


New Member
March 25, 2020
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Houston, texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 explorer xlt
I have a 2001 explorer xlt there is no fog light switch, recently I replaced the radio I noticed there was a spot for the fog light switch I also noticed the wiring was there as well lb/bk, bk, rd/bk, tn/or. I called the local auto parts store and they want $97 for the switch. Is there any way to wire the lights to a 3 prong toggle switch?

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I'm assuming someone has put a lesser model radio surround in. Hit a junkyard and get the appropriate surround with switches or checkout if anyone on here is parting out in the for sale section.


All the Explorer's came with the plug on the harness for the fog light switch. There also needs to be a relay to run the fog lights. It's one of the relays that are in a small, black plastic box under the air filter box.

Please don't spend $97 on a new Ford fog light switch. Salvage yard item for a couple of dollars.

Agreed, get a bezel with the switch cutout, switch and button from a junkyard.

You don't even need a 3 contact switch, a two contact single pole switch would work as all it's doing is grounding the associated wire coming from the relay (which you must also have as Koda mentioned), but using the factory switch in the bezel you gain having it illuminated with the interior marker lights, and having it light up additionally when the fog lights are on. You could replicate that illumination yourself with different add-on components but since Explorers in junkyards aren't rare, it'd be easier to just get the junkyard parts and have it look and be factory correct.

The diagram below shows a diode for the "on" indicator, but I'd imagine there's a resistor in series with that... running off 12-14V, it might be something like 1k, 1/8W.


  • foglights.png
    21.1 KB · Views: 81

I’ve got a pair of these. I’ll check this weekend if one of them still has the rubber coating intact. I’ll ship it to ya for way less than $97

You could of course use a generic relay and any single pole toggle switch to do this. I’d use a lit toggle if that’s the case, and I’d get it’s control power from a key on source. The lighting power can come from anywhere with enough juice. I’d grab it right from the battery, but I’ve got unused lugs on my battery terminals.
