NEED Multifunction turn signal stalk instructions!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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NEED Multifunction turn signal stalk instructions!!


January 30, 2002
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92 Explorer
Hi, I have a 98 Explorer XLT 4WD and when I go to turn my lights on HIGH beam, they sometimes "short" out and I was reading the threads pertaining to this problem but could never find the actual instructions on how to install a new turn signal/multifunction switch.

Can someone please direct me in the right place or post them for me?

Thanks so much. Steph

While I was driving my 2000 XLT, I started smelling something burning, then saw some smoke from the steering column. I turned the ignition switch off, let it sit for a couple minutes, then cranked up. Everything works normally, I don't know what burned, but heard that the multifunction switch is the cause of greif. I am puzzled what burned and if I should replace the switch, will it do the same thing again? Have these multifunction switches been fixed not to burn up?

1) Using a thin shafted #2 Philips screwdriver, remove the 3 screws that secure the bottom half og the steering column cover. You will have to lie down on the floor of your X to see and reach the screws.
2) Carefully remove the upper and lower halves of the steering column cover.
3) remove the two multiwire plugs from the back of the multifunction switch and try not to break the clips that secure them in place.
4) Using a TORX driver, remove the two TORX screws and the switch slides off.

Reverse these steps to reinstall. The hardest part of this is removing the plugs followed by getting the two halves of the steering column cover to match up properly.
