Need new tires badly | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need new tires badly

Hey fellas,

My wife's 98 Mountaineer needs tires badly. I need to get them soon. I think the tires are stock at 235/75/15. They are on stock chrome 15" rims. I am not really high on the rims, but dont really plan on changing rims. It is a 5.0 AWD. I am thinking should I just get stock sized tires or should I get slightly bigger tires? I really only plan on driving in the snow and maybe someday go off roading, but nothing serious, just if I go camping or something. I am actually thinking about selling it fairly soon just to get out of debt. I just really want some decent brand tires that do not have any obnoxious road noise, can handle all weather driving and are safe (exploreres roll). Thanks.

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Explorers dont roll on their own will, its stupid drivers that make explorers roll....

basically any tire will do you.... look towards an all terrain type if you plan on keeping it and using it... possibly in a 30x9.5x15 size

if you do plan on selling it, stick with the cheapest whatever stock size tire you can get....

Ok, what is a 30x9.5x15?

What diameter is a 235x75x15?

I know the 235 means it is about a 7.5" width? Do you not think 9.5 would be too wide to fit on that stock rim? Thanks for the help.

You can go up the an 11.50" on a stock wheel.

235s are a little over 28"

OK. So how much would a decent 30" tire cost? Anybody have any brand and price recommendations for either a 235/75/15 or a 30" tire? Thanks. Right now I am looking at a $80 stock sized tire. BFG All Terrain, I think.

BFG ATs would be the perfect tire for you, in my opinion. They're great in all weather and last for many moons. $80 is a great price too.

When I got my first set of tires for my explorer a couple years ago... I didn't know jack sh*t about cars. I wanted a wider tire, but nooo everyone said that if you put a wider tire on, it won't even fit on the truck. ANY wider tire wouldn't fit on the truck....

Sorry to post this here, it just makes me mad that because a few explorers tipped no company wants to do any type of modifying of any sort to them. Instead of spending 4billion to replace the tires, how about spending that on making people go through REAL driving school and actually teach them how to handle bad situations. My driving instructor didn't even put me on the highway!!!

sorry for the rant...

Rocky: it seems to me that your explorer will probably touch just about as much dirt as mine will. I would just go with something cheap.

So do you have any reccomendations?

I used Michelin M/S before I got my new rims + tires... they got me through 3' of snow for a week without any problem. Great tire IMHO =P

:cool: Thanks.

If your looking for one of the best all around tires go to and check out the reviews and specs of the Bridgestone Dueler AT Revo. I know many that have this tire and love it for a little OFF/R, snow & ice, highway Etc.
If your going to sell it soon just go to Pep Boys and get the Scramblers for about $52.00 each or the Dakota $60.00 each. I have the Scramblers and they are "ok".
