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Need System


Active Member
November 11, 2002
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City, State
Oak Ridge, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 Eddie Bauer
I'm looking into getting 2 10" subs and under $500. I found this setup at circuit city Click here . Also sounddomain has a combo deal for 2 rockford fosgate Z Punch with 400watt max and 150rms. What kind of amp would you guys suggest for the 2 RF b/c i dont know much about speakers and stuff yet

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Any good amp that does 300-400 watts will be work, I'd look at the MTX 4250D (i have it and love it) or the MTX 311D.
If you want to stay with Fosgate look at the RF351M.

I have 2 12" kicker comp vr ($175shipped), and a RF300s($150shipped)
they sound great hooked up to this relatively small power amp. I would recommend a Rockford amp

WoodysX is right. Stay away from sony. sony only makes its products for looks. They used to be a very good company for performance but now they are just into how the product looks. If you look at the sony amp you can see that it looks pretty good but it would sound as good as it looks. Rockford Fosgate is pretty good and for headunits, eclipse gives the best performance.

Thanks for the advice. My friend is going with all sony xplod and he has to make a custom box for his camaro. I wouldnt dare say anything b/c he spent a lot of money hehe but i'll be sure to stay away from that

I acauuly put togetther a system for my friend..... u ccan get 2 adirre shavais (650 rms each) for 250 and a jbl 1200.1 for liek 269 if u coulf gget 550 that would cover shipping..... and that amps puts out 1300+ at 14 volts which is alot u could probably enter some samml comps with that...ot for 300 u can get a kicker l7 10 with a jbl 600.1........but ive heard 500 watts in my own explorer and it doesnt bump that much so..... its up to you

what about 2 MTX thunder subs which cost $80 and an mtx rt202 amp. which is $90. Found this deal at circuit city. I'm just looking for something cheap that has some good sound to it.
