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New Ford Pass App


Pumpkin Pilot
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Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
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City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
And I'm not happy. The new version does not improve upon the app it actually took away features.

It seems to be missing:
Vehicle Health Reports
Referece Guide
Schedule Service

When you switch back to the old version of the app it brings up a survey with a section where you can add comments. I told them that I wasn't happy with the missing features.

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When did they change the app? 🤷 Mine is still the same and works just fine on both the Ranger and Mach E. Apple or Android?

And I'm not happy. The new version does not improve upon the app it actually took away features.

It seems to be missing:
Vehicle Health Reports
Referece Guide
Schedule Service

When you switch back to the old version of the app it brings up a survey with a section where you can add comments. I told them that I wasn't happy with the missing features.
Warranty doesn't appear to be there but location and vehicle health are there. You just have to find it.

When did they change the app? 🤷 Mine is still the same and works just fine on both the Ranger and Mach E. Apple or Android?

Android. It just changed today.

Warranty doesn't appear to be there but location and vehicle health are there. You just have to find it.

I didn't mention Location, and I just found Vehicle Health. Did you find Warranty or the Reference Guide which is the owners manual and how to videos?

When did they change the app? 🤷 Mine is still the same and works just fine on both the Ranger and Mach E. Apple or Android?

BTW, the new E450 is on there as it was in the original app. It is still at the dealer after two weeks. I have been checking on the truck every day it's been there with the app. It originally showed the trouble code, and then a couple days ago it showed there were no problems. Now with the new app it is showing the code that was set on May 2nd. When I go back to the original app the code is still there. I am waiting until tomorrow to check on the rig again.

BTW, the new E450 is on there as it was in the original app. It is still at the dealer after two weeks. I have been checking on the truck every day it's been there with the app. It originally showed the trouble code, and then a couple days ago it showed there were no problems. Now with the new app it is showing the code that was set on May 2nd. When I go back to the original app the code is still there. I am waiting until tomorrow to check on the rig again.

My E450 is too old, being a 2018. It's still in the stone age.

I have the Android app, and mine has not updated yet. Old one still works still.

My E450 is too old, being a 2018. It's still in the stone age.

I have the Android app, and mine has not updated yet. Old one still works still.
If it still works, don't update it yet.

There is an option on the Android app to switch back to the old version (at least on mine there is)

There is an option on the Android app to switch back to the old version (at least on mine there is)

That is what I have done. I really like the original app.

Tried the new app for a few days and switched back. The location/map was an improvement. In the survey I reported the absence of standard warranty and ESP warranty information as an issue. Hope they take that to heart.

Tried the new app for a few days and switched back. The location/map was an improvement. In the survey I reported the absence of standard warranty and ESP warranty information as an issue. Hope they take that to heart.

For me the old map is much more detailed. My E450 RV has been at the dealership for three weeks. With the old app I can see exactly where on their property it is located. I have been able to see when it has been pulled up to the building for work, and when it's moved to various parking areas in their lot. The new map does not have that level of detail.

"Farley notes that the update is designed to make the app easier to use and more efficient, while also giving owners more control via their smartphones or even Apple Watches. This full redesign reportedly speeds up the app and makes it less prone to crashing or experiencing other errors, to boot."

It was already easy to use. I never had mine crash on my Android phone. The map shows consideribly less detail in the new version. I'll take screen shots in a sec, I'm on my laptop right now.


The E450 is at the Ford dealership still. In the old map which is white I can see exactly where on the property the rig is located. No where near the same detail on the new black map. Maybe Ford didn't like me checking to see if it moved every day. lol

First it was in their driveway for a week then I could see when it was right next to the service center, and now that it is waiting for parts I can see on the old map that it is in their back lot.

IMO the black map is not useful at all. Childs toy.

On the old map "Enterprise" is in the Ford dealership building. Sometimes the map shows Ford, other times it shows Enterprise. Black Map shows neither.

This page is only available in old app..


This is also only available in old app...


One last example showing the lack of detail...



FWIW the screen shots are V5.0


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Me again... LOL

If you like the old app do not let your app update. I made the mistake of allowing the latest update to come through today. I can no longer go back to the old app.

Oh, and one more feature lost. You can no longer force a refresh of the vehicle location by "dragging down".
