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new picts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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mike nice truck... it almost doesnt look real....

ha ha oh it's real alright I have the reciepts and empty checkbook to prove it, hell I should own a good chunk of 4wheel parts by now.:D

i meant that it is so big that it looks like a toy truck

hey mike, that looks great! :) :thumbsup:

thanks, my wife just told me that my winch mount and front reciever got here today so gonna start tearing apart the front end tonight.:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

oops, well you know how women are, didnt get my winch reciever, but I did get my new 133 springs from superlift, coolest thing was that they were free. :D

do you guys think the bars should be sucked in closer to the truck or stay where they are??????

if they are steps also keep them where they are..... if they are purely functional sliders tuck them in closer

well last weekend when I put the wheels on we lifted the truck on those bars. they are welded on and aren't going anywhere.:D :D

why did you ask if you werent going to change them?:rolleyes: :smoke:

only the mounts are welded, not the part where they slide in. see I can still cut the metal where they slide in. sorry for not being specific.:confused: :confused: :confused: I'm a tard sometimes, but did put the new 133 superlift springs up front tonight :D :D :D

Mike, I gotta say, I love everything about that truck. That's not a factory paint color, is it?

the truck itself is the factory blue, but everything else is #311 metal flake blue. many, many cans of it......

It looks so nice. If you wake up one morning and your truck's stolen, check my driveway :D

thanks man, just put the recievers on front and rear with the disconnects for power last night for the winch, I'm thinking of painting all the suspension parts black to break up the blue, I like the way the coils look. oh ya it is chained to my leg at night ha ha ha.:D :D :D

mad mike, what did you have to do in order to paint the suspension parts? how much time and moeny did u spend?

Originally posted by jssong
mad mike, what did you have to do in order to paint the suspension parts? how much time and moeny did u spend?

not much just bought a 12 pack of beer and somewhere around 10 cans of primer and 10-14 cans of 311 blue metal flake paint, what takes the longest was wire wheeling all the stuff and tapeing things off. I'm still keeping everything blue, but the shocks, springs, and leafs to inclued the shakles are gonna be black. all in all under $100.

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Hey Mike..... it looks in mint condition! Very nice..... good luck. I like the color alot :eek:
