New SD Card/Update is out. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New SD Card/Update is out.


Well-Known Member
March 27, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Grand Blanc, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 Limited 302A
I received a letter that a new update is available. I logged onto syncmyride and it had me fill out a request for new SD card.

FedEx will have mine here today. No charge to customer.

This update looks like it will be like my 2013 Fusion layout.

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This is the 3.5.1 update that many of us have had installed by the dealer starting a few months ago.

or like me assuming your brand new car had the new SD card and you did the upgrade by yourself from the website and then don't have nav because it is busted. :)

Mine is on it's way, should be here in a few days.

This is the 3.5.1 update that many of us have had installed by the dealer starting a few months ago.

I figured by the time a letter reached me via snail mail that it could not be news here but I did not see it posted, must have missed it, so I posted it anyway.

In my new 2013 Fusion, the navigation had the wrong location of a high school, hoping that is the only time I come across that. Navigation has performed pretty well for me in the past.

or like me assuming your brand new car had the new SD card and you did the upgrade by yourself from the website and then don't have nav because it is busted. :)

Mine is on it's way, should be here in a few days.

it arrived today. Not bad for ordering it Sunday night at like 9pm. Hopefully it works.

... In my new 2013 Fusion, the navigation had the wrong location of a high school, hoping that is the only time I come across that. Navigation has performed pretty well for me in the past.

Hey, drober30,

If you come across any incorrect or missing data, please report it to ensure it's right on the next map update. Here's the link:

it arrived today. Not bad for ordering it Sunday night at like 9pm. Hopefully it works.

or like me assuming your brand new car had the new SD card and you did the upgrade by yourself from the website and then don't have nav because it is busted. :)

Let us know how your navigation is working after installing the new card, 77rednecktruck. In the future, don't hesitate to contact me if something like this happens again. :)


or like me assuming your brand new car had the new SD card and you did the upgrade by yourself from the website and then don't have nav because it is busted. :)
Let us know how your navigation is working after installing the new card, 77rednecktruck. In the future, don't hesitate to contact me if something like this happens again. :)


everything worked great. did the update with the old card and got errors on startup that navigation would not work. Once I put in the new card (which only took 1 day BTW :) ) it worked fine. Was hoping I did not have to run through the update again. :thumbsup:

everything worked great. did the update with the old card and got errors on startup that navigation would not work. Once I put in the new card (which only took 1 day BTW :) ) it worked fine. Was hoping I did not have to run through the update again. :thumbsup:

YAY! Glad it's working now. :D

