New years at Truckhaven | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New years at Truckhaven

Well, I'm leaving at about 10 tomorrow so that should put me in TH (depending on traffic) close to 1pm. I'll be on Ch 6 like Matt suggested. See you guys out there.

B_O_J- if I can't get a tool kit from Autozone or Kragen etc., I'll be asking you for that TORX :) bit set, Thanks.

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Stic-o said:
Bwaahhhh! I'ts the chicken mobile! Well you could make it into a taxi!
410Fortune said:
Yellow? hehehehe
Y'all are just jealous. Chicks dig yellow:


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LOL jefe thats a good one. Tracy and I are walking out the door right now. Need to gas up andgrab ice on thw way out. We should be there around noon or so on Ch 6 and up on the hill off of S22. Look for my truck, tracy's jeep, or her Blue dodge extracab truck with trailer with a tool box on the front of it see everyone out there.

You guys have fun, and yeah I was just teasin Jefe I actually think the Focus is a great little car no matter what the color.

Not sure about th eprimered hood though? Carbon fiber, okay but just painted dull black = ghetto. I would however date that ghetto girly if shes as cute as her body is telling me she is :eek:

Ut oh,
Jefe's gonna be a tuner guy now...he's gonna sell the Ex and hop up the Focus. Now we'll be seeing pics of him drag racing at Irwindale :p
Naw, nice to have a daily driver though and let the Ex sit at home :thumbsup:

Colin, I have a set of Torx bits i'll bring out too just in case. I bought them when I ripped out the jumper seats in the Ranger which were used maybe twice in the lifetime of the truck :rolleyes:

My tirx bits get used ALOT, how do you guys get by without them? The T31 bit is the big dude for the seat belt bolts, start spraying those suckers now, they are usually very frozen from the factory. I have twisted and broken 2ea T31 bits on those pesky seat belt bolts to date....luckily Sears sells the bit for like $5 :)

You know Jefe, They do make a v8/RWD swap for the focus, then maybe you can tow with it. That would be funny to see a little car towing a huge rock crawler. We would all wait for you to stop fast :p

You guys have fun out there, and I hope it's dry out there for ya. Me and the Wife, are talking about heading up to Big Bear on Monday, it may be snowing there :D

Yea, like did you ever fix your front end, and if so, how?

those pics are awesome. Do I see baja chase team potential?
Alot cheaper then a chopper!

I was waiting for someone else to post the details. :p

There were five rigs (all solid axles :) )
Bro of Jefe

RangerX and DB 1 came to ride along.

Colin and I were both 3 wheel drive so we were using the skinny pedal to keep up on the climbs.

There were a lot of other people out there, as you can see from my aerial pics, so we did our best to get away.

Other than Matt having to re-tighten some bolts his truck held up well. :thumbsup:
The only other trouble we had was that I got a bird-like squeel in my front driveshaft somewhere. It apears to be from the CV side. I just kept locking and unlocking my hub and doing what I could (and some that I couldn't) in 2wd. I also added to my artwork of scratches on both sides, and cracked the top of a taillight

Why did Bill not bring the Ranger??????
doubler install?

Bill was saving his Ranger for the annual run in 4 weeks. ;)

Have not started the doubler yet, but it will be in for Moab. :thumbsup:

Sorry Bill, I should have joined you out there with my IFS. Then we could of shown those 3wd SA people how it's done :p

Tracy and I are back home. We had a blast. It started out bad when on the way out Brians friend Rob decided to give me a fix it ticket for no mud flaps. :rolleyes: The truck held up great and did well though. I just need to replace a few regular nuts with lock nuts. I also need to to do some major trimming of the wheelwells cause the tires were rubbing bad all weekend. I also got a little agresive friday afternoon and caved in the drivers door. I think if I pull the inner panel off and give it a good kick it should hopefully pop out and be better then it is now. If I had a rear locker I think I would have made it up CJ hill :D I think tracy might have bent her rear housing though :( Amc 20 and gear oil coming from the end of the axle,it is not a good sign.

Colin took more pictures so he should post up some more. Ill post more later when i get a chance.


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I had a great time as usual, even with the truck in the shape it is.

I'm not uploading all of my pictures. I took over 100! It's taking a while, so I'll post them up in a few minutes with some more details if I have any.

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Here are a few teaser pics...

If you can find one of Felix's posts, look at his avatar. We found the same spot yesterday. I made it.

RockRanger's first "real" flex of the trip.

Jefe climbing his own truck. I got to thinking that this is a bad picture because he's climbing his own Explorer in a Jeep of all vehicles... ;)

B_O_J climbing an obstacle.

Tracy cruising an obstacle.

One of me.

Jefe flying his plane taking the pictures.

...and here is a night run shot.

Click here for the rest of my pics.

Thanks to Dave for the food, I could have saved some money if I didn't bring my own... ;)

Thanks to Matt and Tracy for the braut(sp?) last night and the air up this morning.

See everyone in a month!

Oh, keep your eyes open in the ETUTS forum for a special thread started by me within a few hours. Feel free to contribute if you can find something that I haven't too. ;)
