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Next naches trip?

Tell you what, I will buy enough beer for both of us... That will save you some $$ so you can make it right? It wont be the same without you...

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Tell you what, I will buy enough beer for both of us... That will save you some $$ so you can make it right? It wont be the same without you...

HA, I don't think his drinkin is the problem, I think it's his tow rig's drinkin and last I heard, it don't run on beer .:D Although, if you could get a gallon of beer for $3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:rolleyes:

I could hook you up with some used ATF from work...

I have 45 gallons of diesel I pumped out of a guys truck that came in the other day, turns out The guy he loaned it to didn't know it was a gas rig...

Just noticed I have a bad wheel cylinder:(


Sounds like Dwight (aka Fj ) is headed over Wednesday afternoon to 'squat' on the camp spot we were in last year.

I'll be headed over Thursday afternoon and I think Ricky will be right behind me but probably arriving ahead since he'll likely go over Pyramid Pass.

Sounds like Dwight (aka Fj ) is headed over Wednesday afternoon to 'squat' on the camp spot we were in last year.

I'll be headed over Thursday afternoon and I think Ricky will be right behind me but probably arriving ahead since he'll likely go over Pyramid Pass.

The one by the river?

But it could be about 1 mile further up the road, here;


4.2 miles west from hwy 410

4.2 miles west from hwy 410

So, that's the first one I posted. The aerial photo looked correct. The second one looked too small.

Thanks Rick.

Talked to Chris today, he might make it this weekend now. I should be there friday before noon but we will see... Andy is going to try hard to make it but he's not sure.

It looks like I am back in. I will be caravanning out Thursday with Phil.

talked to ben earlier, sounds like its gonna be a good trip, iam ready to bail out of work and hit the trails. looking foward to seeing everyone again and meeting a few of you:smoke:

I am ready too, hoping to get done with inventory early on Friday.
Need to fix my brakes tomorrow and get the new transmission mount installed.

OK, so Dwight (aka Fj) headed over around 11 today but we haven't heard from him as to whether or not he's in the same spot as last year.

Kevin and I should be arriving tomorrow evening between 5 and 6 with Ricky following closely. I'm sure most of you know what our set ups look like but that'll be hard to see after dark.

I have a bunch of paper plates, some blue tape and some nails so we'll make up some X and arrow sings and try to get them in visible places.

I'll also try to hang my white EF flag near the entry.

I think the CB is still on ch 22 so we'll leave them on at camp Friday evening. If we get cell service Friday, we'll try to post here with our location.

Hope y'all get there before all the Rum's gone. :D

phil, iam jealous you get to head over early, i would usually try to head out early but iam only 4 weeks into the new job and dont want to ask for time off already:rolleyes:

also, i think a friend of mine might swing over on saturday for the day in his TJ, doesnt have much wheeling experence but he is good company

Nick and the pony might show up for a day trip too. I am all packed, loaded, and hooked. Just gotta remember the blue blanket for the kid and I am golden.

Tell you what, I will buy enough beer for both of us... That will save you some $$ so you can make it right? It wont be the same without you...

I'm not holding you to this ;) , but it will be much appreciated.

Nick and the pony might show up for a day trip too.

That would be great to see it in action again.

We're packed, just need to throw bags in, bikes on and hook up.

Lucy is gonna be SO PISSED cause she has to stay home with mom :rolleyes:

We have confirmation that we are in the same location as last year;

4.2 miles from SR410 intersection

47* 01' 43.89"
-121* 09' 29.49"


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Great save me 40' of space
