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Next naches trip?


Well-Known Member
June 15, 2009
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City, State
Tenino, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 sport
Whos up? The trails are fun, the mud is deep, and the rocks are sticking out of the snow enough to have some fun...

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hey you mind if i tag along, sounds like a good time. i have posi and snow chains

Party at Kevin's this weekend with a side trip to Walker valley.:chug:

Anybody have any objections to July 17th and 18th?

Might be going to Liberty that weekend.

Edit: Oh JULY.

Not going to Liberty That weekend., I'll pencil it in

Hmm, go over the evening of the 15th and run the Pass on Friday, then the rest of the trails Saturday and something Sunday.

Could be interesting.

"i have posi and snow chains" You should save thoes for the next dumb ass in a stock cherokee that decides to block the trail for an hour...

Joe, I was planing on camping. I will check and see if Im free that weekend, I want to get back over there before the trails dry out.

17th and 18th work for me

SO is it set in stone yet?

I'm good. Hopefully by then I'll have my spare tire rack fixed and also my camper. I have to remove the slide out to access the frame. What a PITA!!!

I'm good. Hopefully by then I'll have my spare tire rack fixed and also my camper. I have to remove the slide out to access the frame. What a PITA!!!

You're fixing the camper?? I thought it was under warranty.

The warranty only covers the welds, not the "parent" material. Also the warranty won't pay the labor to access the area to comlete the welding, all they will cover is the labor to weld it. They are a bunch of A holes!!!!!!

That's okay though, cause I am sure that everything that is covered is going to be breaking very soon.

i'll set it in stone, the 17 and 18 of july will be the next naches run, guess we better start getting ready:chug:

Where is camp going to be?

iam thinking the same spot by the river that we camped at in october, right off the side of the little naches road. lots of room there for all the trucks and trailers to park. unless anyone has any objections we'll plan on camping there

That works for me

Hope the trails dont dry out to much by then, should be a good time.

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