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Next naches trip?

i'll be there, taking off on friday night right after work, should be leaving enumclaw around 7 pm if anyone wants to follow over:chug:

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Looks like I'll be there.

Kevin -

Sorry to hear about the board results - - hope the job search works out, just get something quick to help defray the costs, you can always find the "job you enjoy" in time. . . Average new job search is usually 6-9 months, so don't put it off until after terminal leave is up. . . :salute:

'91 Sport

I could get you hired on and work for me, but that would be a killer commute

I could get you hired on and work for me, but that would be a killer commute

Ah ha! He could bunk up with Kenny Ray during the week and go home weekends ;)

I will be heading out friday afternoon/evening depending on how long inventory at work lasts.
I got my new radiator in tonight, the radiator I took out had 5 pounds of mud in the cooling fins so hopefully that is why I was running warm sometimes.

Speaking of Ken he stills has one of my trailer spare

ME + 1 will arrive Thursday evening with the White one and then +2 more Friday evening

See ya on friday sometime, not sure when I will leave yet. I took the day off work so we will see how long it takes to get loaded up. Our friend Nate and his wife with there wrangler will be meeting up with us also. Andy and Dan are not sure yet so we will see. Chris is racing so he will not be able to make it this time...

Who has fire wood??? or are fires baned over east yet?

No fires, I was in the area last weekend. Still considering getting a propane campfire before next Thursday I am.

I'm lookin for a video of a campfire to play on the big screen. :D

Look for a 'Yule Log' video....most guys my age don't know what that is.....but I vaguely remember that was the only thing on TV on Christmas....back when we only ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS and FOX..


I thought you could still have campfires in approved camp areas.

I thought you could still have campfires in developed camp grounds.

August 2, 2010
Campfire restrictions expanded to Cle Elum and Naches Ranger Districts

Campfire bans will go into effect on Tuesday morning at 1201 a.m., August 3rd in the Naches and Cle Elum Ranger Districts. Effective August 3rd, building, maintaining, attending or using a fire, campfire, briquette fire, or other method except a pressurized liquid gas stove are prohibited. This restriction does not apply in the Alpine Lakes, Goat Rocks, William O Douglas and Norse Peak Wilderness areas.

Okay fine. That just means I don't have to worry about loading firewood. More room for beer :D :chug:

Yah, I ran the length of the 19 road last Friday morning and back up that evening. Tons of people camping but the no fire deal was clearly posted. Even turned into Kaner Flats and Little Naches campgrounds and they too were posted no fires. Didn't see a single whisp of smoke that evening and it certainly wasn't keeping campers away.

Count me in. Still running the gas I bought in Ellensberg on the way back from Moab in May. Other than re-installing the T-case, haven't put that many miles on the Explorer...

'91 Sport

thats amazing that there is a fire ban on now, dont think they ever had one last year and it was dryer than this year has been so far:rolleyes:

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Unfortunately I am going to have to take a rain check on this trip due to unforseen circumstances, I am just not going to be able to afford to go. I am sorry and am really bummed I can't go.
