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Next naches trip?

The only thing that will keep me away from this trip is if I get ptomoted. The results aren't out yet, but once they come out you will all be the second to know.

Long story short, the process of the E-6 to E-7 promotion is usually about a 6 week induction period. Because of the flooding in Millington, TN where our personnel office is located, everything has been delayed about 2 weeks which in turn crams the whole "training" period into 4 weeks. Anyway, long story short, if I am there I will be retiring from the Navy in November, if I am not there, I am going through the training that will allow me to extend my retirement 2 to 4 years.

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I got the explorer running tonight, just down to the little stuff now...

Locker install Saturday for me.

Anyone have a diff housing spreader?

I dont think you will need one, I rebuild about one diff a month and hardley ever need the thing. It just colects dust on in the corner at the shop... Older dodge dana 60's and a the jeep rear dana 35's are about the onley ones I have needed it on. Two pry bars usualy work just fine.

What end are you locking? We can always just weld it...

ARB goin in front.

Have an Aussie in back already

ARB... you aint messin around... now a few more dents turns into an exo cage...

No, you will be able to do the same thing and more with way less abuse on the rig. I was amazed when I installed my front locker (already had a spool in the rear).

I would come give you a hand if you need but I have a welding job for the pit this weekend...

No, you will be able to do the same thing and more with way less abuse on the rig.

That's what I'm counting on, less thrashing, more control. :thumbsup:

I think Kevin and I can handle it as long as we go slow on the beer. ;)

I think Kevin and I can handle it as long as we go slow on the beer. ;)

More of theis:dpchug: and less of this :chug: for me lately, but we can deffinately knock back a couple when we're done.

You already regeared right? You can measure the bearing face to the face of where the ring gear bolts to on the old carier, and use that to get an idea where to start when you put everything on your new ARB carier (use a straight edge and the end of your dial calipers). I have found that most cariers are very close and require very little messing around with changing shims. Be sure to check your back-lash before you start so you have a number to shoot for when your done (the OEM specs arnt always realistic to get with used gears). Good luck... a few beers might make things go a little better.

Yeah, Randy's did the gears and rear Aussie, last year.

I'm not quite sure what the dail guage needs to touch to measure the backlash, or how it is set up (angles etc).

Being that this is the front diff and won't see constant use, it's probably a little less critical to be 'spot on'??

Don't the shims go between the bearings and the housing since the bearings are pressed on?

If so, wouldn't we measure from the bearing cap face to the back of the ring gear?

Since you are changing your carier, your back-lash, and or bearing preload could change. This would be afected by the amount of shims you put behind your carier bearings on your new carier (the arb one). "Some" cariers are not exactly the same as the stock ones (like aftermarket lockers) and you are requiered to add or remove shims to make up for the difference. 9 times out of 10 you can just swap everything over and come out close, but every once in a while you will end up with to much or to little back-lash or carier preload. I measure everything before I start just to use as a baseline, if Im changing gears or even a carier. For a front axle it is not as big of a deal, but make sure your back-lash is close.

Cant remember on the dana 35 but most cariers are shimed between the carier and the carier bearing, not the houseing.

I meant, the actual procedure for measuring backlash.

I'll be headed to Kevin's place in a few minutes but we'll have a puter running.

Loaded,, locked,,,,,,,,,,,,

Started at 9, finished at 4:D. Only drank 3 beers :rolleyes:

Thanks Kevin!! :thumbsup:


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You are welcome Phil. I have to say though, the look on your face when you got half way up that stump and started spinning the rear tires, reached down and turned on the locker and easily climbed the rest of the way up was priceless.

So do we have a head count yet on who's goin?

I'll be leavin here Thursday afternoon, not sure how early, maybe around 2.

I've heard from Paul and he is tentitive.

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I am still waiting on the advancement results so I am also tentative.
